Chapter 14


A day again passed and we fail the game. It was an impossible game if you are an ordinary player but in an impossible game there is always an unexpected way to finish the game with flying colors. Whenever you are near in the finish line there is always an obstacle making you fail and two words are on your screen, 'Game Over' and then you are back into reality. Well, what can you expect from us, first timer to be into an upgraded system to play. Even in the begining this game is impossible. We walk back into our dorm with no words heard from the vice president, Sebastian. But we know he was disappointed but hell with him. I don't know why I dislike him so much. If they are so disparate to unlock those vaults, why don't they put their asses into the game and play. So that they know their tongue where they are going.

In the game of Need For Speed there are three ways for the players to choose, one the rocky road which contains powder of sands that can make you hard to see which way you will go especially the road there is a slick one. Mountains and a lot of unexpected objects that will struck you out of the game. Second the original road that can make you see the finish line just on where you are. And like from the rest, there are also lot of traps that you should deal with it. Third is the nightmare road on where you can see dead trees, black and green clouds like a halloween one. Lot of scary stuffs that could make you back out. And the worst thing on that road is where you can see the characters in the horror movies, such the two characters in the wrong turn, annabelle, chuckie, valak and many more. That road is a curse one. And what can you expect, we the players always choose the second road.

The hours are so fast for a day. It's already night and I slumped my body into the bed. I push the bottom on where I could see stars. Virtual stars, what can you expect. I don't know when was the last time I saw real one's. I just need a meditation coming from a peace image, and those are them...the stars.

My eyes were fix to the virtual stars when suddenly my head hurts. It was like hammering my head and it pains me. My eyes were also in pain. I feel like vomiting and my stomach were in a deep shallow.

"Oh shit! Virtual stars are bad idea," I muttered and push the button to make it shut down.

I stand up and a hit of pang strike me. As if I remember something from my past. This is the same feeling that I felt earlier when I ride my car.

I walk through the sink and splash some water into my face and look into the mirror. I hate this feeling, it makes me nausea.

After I dry my face, I opened the refrigerator and took a glass of water. Since there is no warm water, I have no choice but to drink a cold one. I decided to get the pitcher with a water inside of it and put it down below my bed. Just to have a warm water.

I was about to close my eyes when the shit feeling came back into my senses. My eyes widened that I have no control about it.

I can feel my brain in electricity and my heart keeps on beating. What is this? It's making me nervous and scared. It was like I can see a virtual screen of memories.

Wait, that's me. What am I doing there?

It was past in the night and I was in the basement playing. That's our basement, uncle Ole's basement. I saw myself playing the first level game Need For Speed and that game was not upgraded. And I was shocked when I saw myself took the third road!

"Wait! Hey! Don't choose that road you idiot! You don't know what's in there!" I exclaimed and my hands formed into a fist.

And as I expected the third road is full of a horror one, a curse road. But I look at myself...I was so calm and looked serious.

I surpasses those characters and some are inside my car. But I didn't care? Annabelle was seated beside me and holding my hands. Really? I look at myself and I am still in concentration? I look at the back seat and my heart almost jumped out of my chest, I saw Valak smiling the hell out of me.

Blood splutter in the wind shield of the car and still myself didn't budge and continue to drive. A lot of obstacle and traps surprises us but it was like a miracle that myself surpasses those like myself know it was coming and what I am going to do. I look at the time myself spent, two hours of driving. Been two hours? If we took the second the second road it will just take thirty minutes and you can also see the finish line. But this third road, you only can see a dark area and no assurance for the finish like.

"Hey! Just go back and take the second road. This is going out of no where. You are here spending two hours of driving and still no result!" I shouted and I was shocked when myself look at me and smiled. A wicked smile that means I have found victory. But I realized annabelle was slowly disappearing and so is Valak.

I look at the road we are heading and saw a golden gate. A wide golden gate, green trees and green grass.

My eyes are fixed on the scene and slowly the gate opened and we entered. All of the things in there are made of gold. Even the water in the fountain is gold. I look at myself and could see the happiness in my eyes, it was like hitting a big jackpot.

And there we saw the first vault. I look at myself and slowly myself unlock the door of the car and get out. I was about to touch the first vault when something happened. There was a crack. And crack means something was up.

And then I found myself pulled out the virtual headset and catching my breath and fainted. And there a loud steps coming from the stairs and rushing into our direction. It was uncle Ole.

He looked at me.

My mind came back into reality and I was stiff and beads of sweats were on my forehead. Is that real? Is that part of my memories? Part of me?

I was catching my breath and at the same time calming myself up. It was like real.

"It was real...uncle Ole," I whispered and I felt a cool air wisp in my cheek. Are you here uncle Ole?

"I know now what to do."