Chapter 18


Because of my rapid action I didn't have the time to tap the location of where I should be teleport. But the important thing is I got escape.

Who could it be? Are they any players still know that portal? How could they get in? Do they use what I am using? Or the abandoned portal is not abandoned at all. There is still someone's operating. Or I was being spied? Stalk? Am I going insane or what? This is the feeling of sneaking out.

"Where am I?" I muttered as I roam my eyes around.

I am now in a crowded area. Lot of players were go shopping here and there. Preparing for the next level, I guess. There was a big screen with the video of the next game, the honour rise.

"It was announced then," I whispered to myself and walk in pace. This game is composed of three levels and we are now in second level. The last game will be the hardest one and that will be the God Game. I wonder what could it be. And that last vault will be so hard to get. I was busy thinking about the game when someone tap my back. It was Ryuzaki together with Mary.

"Hey! Kousuke," he exclaimed and slap my left shoulder.

"Ryu," I muttered as I was not expecting that they were here. I thought they are also celebrating. He raised his eyebrow and laugh at my face.

"Why seem so shock people's choice." He laughed and Mary was just emotionless. I don't know if that was a mock or what. I look at Mary and seriously maybe her own real face is just as emotionless as this.

"I thought you guys are at the party," I said as I changed the topic.

"We're bored and we decided to buy some equipment for the next level. And hey it's a group one and I hope we could be next together huh Kousuke," he said and wiggled his eyebrows while pouting his lips. The avatar he is using is quite so awkward with that facial expression. I also notice Kyoya and Storm at their back. They were sitting and eating a slice of cake I guess. Oh and did I mention that here in virtual world you can eat what you want, literally. Your tongue will really taste the food. How did they do it? That is what I do not know. Humans brain are amazing.

"What are they doing there?" I asked referring to the two. Ryuzaki look at the two and shrug his shoulder.

"Oh, you know thinking how useless they are. How worthless and depressing their life. And you know they're jealous of me. And I'm not even curious why you know. I mean come on! Take a look at me I'm handsome as hell. Girls are so over me and I don't even know if boys are too. And oh, Kousuke I don't mind if you want me too." He winked and no less than a second he screamed in pain as Mary pinched his ear so bad. I know it because of his expression.

"Idiot," Mary said and rolled her eyes.

She walk back and walk to the other two's direction.

I can't help but to secretly admire Mary. But I need to get myself out because it's Ryu's girl.

I need to go back to my room to read what I have scanned. But in these case I think I don't think I have an excuse if I sneak out again. I guess I have to give my time for them for a while so they won't suspect me for something. "Come!" Ryuzaki said and grip my hand and just let him. This day didn't go to waste after all.

"Hey! Kousuke is in the house!" Ryuzaki shouted as we approached the three.


I took my contact lenses out and wash my face. That was a slurry hours with them. I slumped my tired body to the bed. And took a deep breath and sigh. We drink a couple of glass of amazake before walking back into our room. If not because of Mary we maybe be there for a couple hours or even more. This virtual amazake is really real.

(Amazake is a traditional sweet, low-alcohol Japanese drink made from fermented rice. Amazake dates from the Kofun period, and it is mentioned in the Nihon Shoki. It is part of the family of traditional Japanese foods made using the koji mold Aspergillus oryzae, which also includes miso, soy sauce, and sake.)

I was looking at the ceiling when I didn't notice that a tear escape from my eye. I felt a pang of pain that I can't describe. It was a sudden feeling that I do not know what the reason. I just feel lonely and in pain. What is this feeling? Why am I feeling this way? Why can't I open that file again? Hayate Massacre Someone assassinated my parents? Who? Are these connected to the game? Because my father was the formulator? If so, I would love to find out who are the assassins of my parents.


The God Game Type of Powers

CONCEPT: powers centered on an idea.

FUNCTION: powers centered on what they do.

MECHANISM: powers centered of the manipulation of immanent laws of reality.

SOURCE: powers centered on its origin (usually supernatural) allowing a variety of applications.

UNFATHOMABLE: powers with actual cause/mechanism, defined as beyond understanding.

All of the players are equiped with only one type of powers but a God can equip all of this. But each player has only one. And these are:


This section refers to the ability to manipulate or otherwise interact with superpowers themselves.

-Power Argumentation (the ability to enhance the powers of oneself and/or others)

-Self-Power Augmentation (the power to augment or increase one's own power) - Power Bestowal (the ability to bestow powers upon another)

- Power Absorption (the power to absorb powers from others) - Power Erasure (the ability to eliminate the powers of others)

- Power Restoration (the ability to restore lost powers)


Powers which affect an individual's body.

-Regenerative Healing Factor (the power to heal rapidly from any physical injury)

-Adoptive Muscle Memory (the power to replicate movements after observation)

-Body Part Substitution (the power to replace one's missing appendages or a natural prolongation with those another)

-Replication (the ability to replicate oneself, others and/or objects) -Invisibility (the power to render oneself unseen to the naked eye)

-Mobile Invulnerability (the power to become unstoppable while moving) -Camouflage (the power to visually blend into immediate environment)

-Vampire Physiology (the ability to use the abilities of a vampire)

-Acid Generation

-Smoke Generation

-Fire Breath

-Environmental Adaptation (Aerial Adaptation, Desert Adaptation, Arctic Adaptation, Mountain Adaptation, Subterranean Adaptation, Wetland Adaptation, Fallout Adaptation)

-Aquatic Breathing


-Poison Immunity

-Thermal Resistance

-Tracking Evasion

Players can also enhanced their physical skills by searching mana or to kill.

-Enhanced Strength

-Enhanced Condition

-Enhanced Combat

-Enhanced Agility

-Enhanced Leap

-Enhanced Durability

-Enhanced Stamina

-Enhanced Reflexes

-Enhanced Flexibility

-Enhance Senses (smell, touch, taste, hearing, vision)

*Supernatural Physical Skills

Supernatural Strength

Supernatural Condition

Supernatural Combat

Supernatural Agility

Supernatural Leap

Supernatural Durability

Supernatural Stamina

Supernatural Dexterity

Supernatural Reflexes

Supernatural Flexibility

Supernatural Senses

Supernatural Hearing

Supernatural Smell

Supernatural Taste

Supernatural Touch

Supernatural Vision

Supernatural Accuracy

Supernatural Swordsmanship

Supernatural Thievery

*Vision Faculty Enhanced

Vision and Optic Blaster-Degree

Vision Accelerated

Vision Astral

Vision Atomic

Vision Augmented Reality

Vision Aura

Vision Blood-Flow

Vision Caustic

Vision Chaotic

Vision Chemo

Vision Chronic

Vision Color

Vision Dark

Vision Death

Vision Digital

Vision Dimensional

Vision DNA

Vision Cytoplasmic

Vision Electromagnetic

Vision Emotion

Vision Energy

Vision Explosion

Vision Fire

Vision Freeze

Vision Gamma

Vision Graphic

Vision Healing

Vision Heat

Vision Hypnotic

Vision Illusion

Vision Ionic

Vision Infrared

Vision Invisibility

Vision Kinetic

Vision Laser

Vision Life

Vision Light

Vision Lightning

Vision Lunar

Vision Magic

Vision Merging

Vision Microscopic

Vision Movement

Vision Multi-Directional

Vision Multiple