It had been a year since Arai had left Jujutsu Tech, he had been on the lookout for other sorcerers but really he was just being careful. They didn't have anything to pin on Arai as he hid all evidence that it was him.
Only Gojo could tell but he decided not to. In his words, he did not lie so everything he reported was the truth.
Punishment was forced to him as he had failed his mission letting 'innocent' civilians die and a fellow sorcerer. Though the punishment was changed since he had voluntarily left the school so the higher ups changed into expulsion even though he had said he would leave making it seem on the outside that he had been expulsed from the school and making the higher-ups look like the judge handing the sentence.
Although Arai's action had brought him in this foul situation, he wasn't exactly displeased. In fact, he was happy he did so.
His actions weren't made from the spur of the moment, he had wanted to get out of the school as they had nothing to teach him. Everything else needed to be gained from the outside.
The only advantage the school had was information and protection.
But staying there was akin to a bird trapped in a cage. His actions there only made him hurry up his plan as he wanted to get his hands on something else.
Power influenced his worldly vision.
And what greater power than that which comes from the heavens.
That day, there were three existences that originated from the Heavens.
One was Gojo Satoru, enlightened and carrying knowledge from the world. Holding the power of space and eyes that see through everything. A true heavenly being.
The second was a weapon. A tool that had managed to reach Gojo who carried the power of 'Limitless'.
Special Grade Tool: Inverted Spear of Heaven.
Holding the power to stop all cursed techniques, it was a divine artifact. A one of a kind weapon.
But the third was something that was engraved into someone. It wasn't the person that was holding it that came from the heavens, but the power he held.
A power that Arai could potentially wield.
Toji Zen'in held a gift and curse from the heavens.
A Heavenly Pact.
Even if it came from the heavens, a pact was still a contract.
And what would happen when someone who can see pacts came face to face with it.
Arai knew the moment he saw Toji, that he wanted that power. Unfortunately for him, the man had died not leaving him the chance to see that power. The Inverted Spear of Heaven was also destroyed by Gojo leaving himself as the only one who can bear witness to the Heaven.
Arai had seen a Heavenly Pact before Toji did, and it was on a girl named Nakayama Nao.
Unlike Toji, this one made Nao be able to keep his cursed energy and actually have an immense pool of it. That and a seventh sense for sorcerers which was a huge factor in a fight.
Of course, there were repercussions for that power.
The loss of eye sight, smell and taste were all gone.
This power made Nao isolated from others including her own family. And even to this day, a sense of distance will never be closed no matter what.
"Are you willing to die for me." Arai said calmly as if he was asking a normal question.
He was wearing a black robe and had a hood on covering himself. Though it looked like she knew who he was the moment he showed himself.
The young girl was puzzled by the weird question. She tilted her head showing that she was confused by the question.
'Die for him? What did he mean by that?' She thought naively.
Nao knew it was her hero and it was a fact that a hero would never hurt her.
She suddenly had a struck of idea and ran to her desk to grab a piece of paper while writing something on it.
When finished, she presented it to him.
'Do you need me to help you?' It was written.
Arai who read this blinked and cracked a smile while chuckling. 'This girl really was naïve. Even though I just asked if she was willing to die, she's still smiling.'
He patted her head and sat down on her bed. It was a small bed but it was good enough to serve as a chair. "Tell me, are you willing to be normal?"
Again, she was confused but answered nonetheless.
'Yes'. She wrote.
Looking around her room, Arai could see how plain it was. There was a doll on the bed which resembled a bird but aside from that, there were barely any decoration.
But he knew it wasn't because she wasn't loved, but because she didn't accept that love easily. He knew her father loved her very much and he probably tried giving her gifts but she denied them. To her, it was foreign to get that many things.
Trying to live as normally as possible, to live as ignorant as others...
Was something that Arai would never want for himself.
Still, to achieve is goal, he will bear with it for a while.
He grabbed her head softly and put his own forehead against her. His green eyes shining brightly as he stared directly into hers. She started feeling nervous as this much physical contact outside of her father was something she didn't experience.
"Be ready to entire your mind."
Before she could even react, she felt her vision contort into something else. Like a never ending spiral that kept drowning the very existence. The sounds of the neighbors were gone. Now, she felt as if a new world was opened to her.
Because that was exactly what happened.
She 'saw' with her own eyes. There was no cursed energy that was being used by her. This was simply her seeing the world before her with her eyes.
The colors, she could actually see colors! The beauty of the world could now be witnessed by her. She unconsciously breathed and could actually smell something. Like a delicate flower, it was an odd sensation as for the first time she felt actual air going to her nose.
Nao's eyes quickly went all over the world she was at.
It was like a collapsed world where broken buildings, streets, trees and all sorts of things floating as if there was no gravity. But she could tell that some parts were mending themselves back together. Rocks and destroyed parts of buildings were connecting and slowly forming into a full thing.
"This is your mind." She heard a voice behind her and looked back to see Arai.
Now his face could be seen by her, Arai had blue hair and green glowing eyes. Though to Nao, these colors could not be identified by her.
The first person that she had ever seen was Arai and her eyes sparkled that she could finally see someone.
He was wearing a light blue colored kimono with a dark blue edge, a maroon colored samurai type shoulder pads and black shoes.
"As a former sorcerer in training, you must know what this represents, right?" He pointed to their surroundings.
She nodded and lifted her left arm up. Right there and then, words full of colors popped up.
'Innate Domain.' It spelled out.
Isao smiled and patted her head. "That's right, an innate domain which is the manifestation of our mind. What it shows, represents your state of mind. Yours show a destroyed world where nothing is left alive. No animals, no beautiful scenery. Nothing."
She felt down hearing this, the inner world of hers was broken. There was no ounce of beauty to it, like a destroyed world with no hope left.
"But if you look carefully, you can still see that it's progressing." Arai pointed out.
When she looked, she indeed saw that the world was trying to fix itself. It was 'healing', her mind was broken before but it was slowly getting itself together.
"Depending on what you choose today, your world can mend itself back together in its full. To a world that you can truly appreciate, though it's hard it is possible."
"You just need to believe that everything is alright then your mind will do the rest."
"But how to do that... well it depends on each individual but I already figured it out for you."
Arai looked down to look at Nao. "You want a normal life. Live with your father, play with your friends. I'll grant that wish, you only need to do one thing for me."
"Of course, this process may result in something going haywire. Worst case scenario, we both die. Though that is unlikely since my control over my technique has vastly increased."
Arai held her face with his eyes glowing. "So I'll ask this once again, are you willing to die for me?"
An offer that most would not accept, it was not worth risking your life to become normal. These disabilities may dampen her current state of life but using your life on the line was just unimaginable.
But Nao was no ordinary girl, she had been through her fair share of things. If it was going to help her life, she would do it in an instant. And the thought of helping her benefactor increased her motivation more.
She grabbed his hand and nodded accepting his request.
The moment she accepted, a bright light engulfed the world they were in. A blinding white light that completely took over them.
But during this, Arai was grinning at his success.
He was finally once step closer to his goal.
To become the strongest there is so that he could achieve what he wanted-
Without being restrained by anyone nor anything.