Crazy Party.

I watch the girl sitting in the back of the room focused on writing something in her notebook, her long blonde hair covering half her face due to her head being slightly tilted down, her jaw lined up and her cheeks a little pink, her eyes still covered. by the sunglasses, the chin with a slight split cute and at the same time charming, slightly red lips and eyebrows apparently well-shaped and a little thick. I shouldn't have been paying attention to the girl, but she piqued my curiosity after that brief eye contact in the morning that I'm not even sure if it was really for me or if she smirked for catching me staring at her like that while I clearly thought she was focused in me.

I hate Kai.

He manages to get inside my mind and mess things up sometimes in such an irritating way.

I sigh back to focus on my finished activity and then gather my things ready to take the notebook to the teacher and be released early, but the sound of something falling catches my attention and I turn to face the new girl bending down. to get her book, but to my surprise she was without glasses and staring at me with a neutral expression while her pale blue orbs seemed to suck my soul and I shouldn't have returned that eye contact, but I couldn't help myself. Her blue eyes seem to have mesmerized me or put me in a kind of trance, because I only managed to wake up when her smirk and a raised eyebrow at me before she pulled away brought me back to reality and then the outbreak came right after. .


Now it was for me.

She made it very clear that she noticed me staring at her earlier.

Does that mean she's angry?

Or that I'm on her bad list?

Hope not.

My God.


I need to talk to him.

I get up quickly and practically throw the notebook on the teacher's desk before running out of the room seeing the girl walking ahead and then I turn around and follow in the opposite direction to which she is going. I head to the patio and see Kai talking to James and the gang, normally I would avoid going there and wait for him to walk away from the group to go to him, but I am in an emergency situation so when I pull my cousin away from the group without warning or any explanation leaving everyone confused as Kai holds my hand making me stop.

- My God, what has gotten into you? - He asks adjusting the collar of his shirt, but when he notices my expression he makes a face. - Are you having a heart attack? - He asks worriedly and I nod.

- I'm going to be murdered Kai, she's going to kill me. I say and he makes a face. - She noticed that I looked at her and she kind of said "I saw you" with a look that seemed to suck my soul. - complete and he smiles.

- Did she look at you very explicitly? - he asks and I take a deep breath.

-I was keeping my things distracted and I heard the noise of something falling and when I looked to the side bam, there she was staring at me with that blue immensity as she bent down to pick up the book. - I answer and he looks surprised. - She didn't look back, she continued to stare at me and then smirked sarcastically with an arched brow before walking away. - Complete taking a deep breath and he laughs.

- I think she liked you. - he says and I shake my head.

- She must be wanting to kill me. - I say and he laughs even more hugging me.

- So slow, has a lot to learn about life still. - he jokes and I deny punching his rib. - That didn't even tickle. - he mocks and I punch him again.

- It's not my fault if you passed the pump factory when you were born. I say sarcastically and he laughs.

- This is my wolf genes helping me to have an above average physique even without going to the gym or any physical sport often that would bore me in seconds. - he says and I roll my eyes away.

- Shut up and let's go. - I say and he smiles nodding.

- As you wish, my sweet child, you need to drink your milk and sleep before ten and then bloom and become the demon that jumps windows and runs away in the middle of the night. - He says amused and I smile.

Of course he won't forget about the party and is subtly reminding me that I agreed to go.

Always smart.


When I jumped out of my bedroom window to go to the party with Kai, I didn't think I would regret doing it as soon as I set foot in the party venue.

- We'll be lynched if they know we've already set foot in this place. - I say walking beside Kai.

- I know that, but if I catch someone today, it will be worth it. - he says amused and I smile shaking my head looking around. - Look who's coming over there. - Kai says catching my attention and I see James approaching us.

- If you leave me alone with him I'll make your life hell. - I whisper and he laughs.

- I'm scared to death. - He says low and then looks at the boy stopping in front of us. - James, what a great party. - greets the boy who smiles.

- Kai, glad you came. - He says hugging my cousin and then looks at me smiling wide, until it's a beautiful smile. - Luna, I'm surprised to see you here. - He says looking at me that way that makes most girls all melt for him, but not me, I'm not melted by anyone, so maybe I'm not even part of the minority that doesn't melt for him.

Maybe I'm an undefined case.

Someone who doesn't care about anyone.

Is this possible or am I someone impossible and meaningless?

- James, don't get too excited, I can disappear at any time. - I say extending my hand to him before he thinks of hugging me or kissing my face and I see Kai contain his laughter while he shakes his head.

- Why is she so difficult? - James asks amused looking at Kai who shrugs.

- I think it runs in the family. -answers my cousin and I step on his feet discreetly and he glares at me, but stops right away, seeming to notice something interesting. - Hey, did you invite the new girl? - Kai asks looking at a specific point behind James who looks around before looking to where my cousin is focused.

- Oh yeah, we do literature and physical education together and she kind of gave me some tips about the Chicago team we're going to face next week, she also helped me out a few weeks ago so I invited her, she's pretty cool despite the weird name. - James replied waving to the girl who just shook her head in response with a half smile.

- What is her name ? I ask and James looks at me while Kai arches an eyebrow.

- You have several classes with her and you don't know the girl's name? - he asks and I cross my arms shrugging my shoulders. - What kind of creature are you? - he asks amused and I smile.

- Someone who skipped class on her first day of school, so I missed the introductions. - I answer and feel James' gaze on me, but I don't return it.

- Well, believe it or not, but her name is Pandora McCracken. - James says and Kai laughs while I make a face.

- Are you kidding. - I say and he seriously denies it with his green eyes focused on mine.

- No, I'm serious, I also laughed and asked if she was making fun of me, but then she showed her driver's license and so I believed her. - Says now smiling at the corner and I look at the girl taking a bottle of whiskey from the table full of drinks.

- I think her family must love the mythological and supernatural world. - Kai says and I look at him who frantically wiggles his eyebrows in response.

- What do you think about joining the rest of the staff? James asks, switching his gaze from me to Kai.

- You can go, I'll get something to drink and then I'll join you. - I answer and then I walk away before they can answer anything.

Pandora McCracken.

Pandora I even think is a bit normal, but McCracken ?

That's the weirdest last name I've ever seen.

I get some punch and then I walk to a bench by the lake and I sit trying to ignore the loud music and people screaming for nothing, I watch the huge trees on the other side of the lake and that feeling of being watched and called by the forest it makes me take a sip of the drink I've taken in an attempt to ignore that sensation, but then I immediately spit it out at the taste of alcohol.

I should have known that nothing here would be alcohol-free.

It's a party of human teenagers.

Having a drink is practically a basic rule, but a priority for them.

Luna is played.

- I have children's drink here with me if you want. - A slightly hoarse voice makes me jump in fright and when I look to the side I get even more scared. - Juice or chocolate milk? - he asks showing the bag full of boxed drinks that can be considered childish.

- I don't know if I should accept drinks from a stranger. - I answer confused and nervous with her blue eyes focused on me and she smiles crookedly while I analyze her.

Hair loose and slightly messy, long too, almost to the waist and very well taken care of, her cheeks slightly pink, her lips reddened, but a natural red, nothing strong or extravagant and the makeup highlighting her blue eyes that at this moment are reminding me of beauty. from the sea of ​​Tenerife.

- Of course you shouldn't, it's much better to keep staring at the stranger constantly as if she were a single edition Ferrero Rocher box. -she says sarcastically with slightly arched eyebrows and for some reason it makes me smile. - Take it soon or I'll give up sharing my treasure with you. - She completes and I take a chocolate milk while I notice how expressive she seems to be.

- Thank you, I think. - I say confused sitting down again and she shrugs her shoulders looking at the lake while she takes a chocolate too and I get confused. - Do you not drink ? - I ask remembering having seen her taking a bottle of whiskey and she makes a typical gesture with her eyes that indicate that the answer is not something definitive, maybe a middle ground.

- Not often, sometimes a glass or two to help balance the mind, but I don't make it a common habit, because drinking becomes something very destructive if you don't know how to consume it. - She answers and I nod in agreement silently and she looks at me. - But you don't seem to drink at all. She says and I nod again.

- No, I think alcohol is a kind of passport for idiots to sink. - I say and she looks at me from the corner with an arched eyebrow and I find this gesture interesting, maybe charming because it emphasizes her evil expression even more, she has a kind of devilish air, but not in a bad way. - Not everyone, obviously, several people are out of this thinking, but most are not, because I usually see unhappy people, without objectivity and who need a stimulus to do something, use drinking as an excuse to do what they wouldn't normally do and being idiots, I also know someone who once told me that " wise men don't waste their precious time diving headlong into alcohol, because that can be a path of no return. " - complete and she smiles.

- I bet whoever said that was someone in their sixties or seventies who had a glass full of whiskey in their hand. - She says amused looking at me with a crooked smile and an arched eyebrow and I smile nodding trying to understand the funny feeling forming inside me.

- How do you know ? I ask and she shrugs.

-That's the kind of thing someone who's been down on booze would say to a girl of probably almost seventeen after venting all her grievances. -she responds with an expression of amusement and I bite my lower lip while making a face, finding it funny the way her way of speaking seems light despite the slightly aggressive intonation.

Maybe it's the fact that your voice and your way of speaking are of that very expressive type.

Where even when you are calm her voice makes it seem otherwise to strangers.

The aggressive type of voice and way of speaking, that thing that always makes you wonder if the person is being sarcastic or not or if they are angry.

His face is also very expressive.

Everything she says her facial expressions seem to confirm what she is saying or feeling before she even speaks.

I like that.

I also like this way of looking from the corner with the arched eyebrow and the crooked smile, it seems to be natural actions and reactions that make her maybe... Interesting?

I think I could even say that she naturally oozes charm.

- I saw you take a bottle of whiskey, I wonder if you swallowed the bottle. - I say amused trying not to seem invasive or that I was noticing her too much, but curiosity is my fault, she looks at me making a face while sucking the drink through the straw.

- It was just to teach some idiots how to light a fire quickly and with class. -she says, pointing to a point further away from where we were where everyone was enjoying together around the fire, including Kai. - Your friend seems to be having a lot of fun with that guy who clearly has a crush on you. - She completes following my gaze that was focused on Kai talking to James and her little group while I'm confused that she noticed this if she apparently ignores everyone's existence.

Although James said he talked to her during their class together, so maybe he might have said something or something.

- He is my cousin and best friend, we grew up together. - I say and she nods, diverting her attention to the lake. - As for James, he's not my type. -I complete and she looks at me with an arched eyebrow and I notice that this is a mania of hers, a mania that is even cute.

- So what's your type? - She asks adjusting herself on the bench, sitting in the form of an Indian looking into my eyes with an evaluative expression that makes me nervous.

Which is ?

Why is she making me nervous?

Maybe it's the mystery.

Her weird name or the fact that she's looking at me like that with those beautiful blue eyes.


I don't know.

Crap !

- Actually, I do not know. - I say sincere and her neutral expression makes me even more nervous, but I try to maintain eye contact. - I don't think about it too much, I have other priorities I think, this thing of hooking up, dating, romance and anything on that level are not at the top of my priority list. - I say pausing, diverting my attention from her for a few seconds and I rub my hands on my shorts to wipe the sweat and when I look back I notice that she followed my every move. "It's not like I'm going to have much choice in the matter either. Her full and neutral expression quickly changes to pure amusement.

- Of course not. - she says and I see a seemingly mischievous smile forming on her lips. - Am I making you nervous? - she asks with her tone of voice lavishing amusement and I think about denying it, but all I do is avoid looking at her and then I hear her nasal laugh. - Don't worry, you're not the only one to get nervous with my presence, everyone here is curious, nervous and some are jealous that I'm talking to you, after all I'm the mysterious new student who doesn't give a damn about their existence, the flesh new on the block, but I'm here talking to you, it messes with some people's small minds. - She completes and I look at her confused and her expression of who knows exactly what she's talking about makes me curious.

- Are you some witch or something to say that with such conviction? - I ask and she approaches a little.

- And if I go ? - He asks with a neutral tone looking me in the eyes. - What are you going to do Luna Esposito Blackwood? - she asks in a whisper using a higher intonation when saying my full name and I swallow hard noticing a necklace around her neck while my mind screams that I had no idea what her name was, but she knows mine.

So devoid at the moment of any ability to answer or stare I devote my full attention to necklace her.

- Is that silver? - I ask analyzing the silver necklace with a symbol of what seemed to be a horned dragon, but at the same time it seemed to have characteristics of other animals and she follows my gaze.

- Any problem with silver wolf? - she mocks and I roll my eyes touching her necklace to show that I have no problem with silver despite knowing she clearly knows nothing about the supernatural world, it must just be some fan who loves to be sarcastic and make jokes when she has the opportunity , at least that would explain its name.

- Sorry, but I didn't die or something. - I return the mockery and she touches my hand that held the pendant.

This act makes my heart beat so fast in a matter of seconds causing me to suffocate in a very painful way, I feel a kind of electrical current running through my whole body causing a strange tingling in my skin, I feel my head throbbing and my vision getting distorted. little by little, I try to pull my hand away from her touch when I hear a howl, but everything goes dark and then seconds later I'm not in the presence of the blue-eyed girl anymore.

I look around seeing the tall trees, the moon lighting the path in front of me, I walk forward and feel my feet are bare, I look down making sure they really are and there's something else.


I look at my hands which are also covered in blood as well as my body and I take a few steps back in fear and then I fall backwards when I trip on something and then I scream at the sight of my uncle's bloody and lifeless body. I splay my hands on the floor for support to get up and scream with fear as I feel something grab my wrist, I look to the side to see my father looking at me with hatred as blood drips from the corner of his mouth like drool, the huge claw marks on his bloody, dirt-filled face.

- Dad. - I say trying to touch his face, but I stop when I see his alpha eyes making it clear that he doesn't want my touch.

- Y-you-a-a-a-a-a-bad-say-a-a-a. - he says with difficulty and then he seems to gasp for breath and then I look at his body seeing his chest open like an animal in a butcher shop, his exposed heart beating slowly, his organs exposed and his flesh all torn apart in the way only an animal would. fierce would. - Evil-d-d-dictated. - whispers my father as I feel the tears wet my face seeing his eyes completely losing their life and then a red glow makes a trail towards me.

I look up to see the moon slowly turn a reddish color and then my heart beats so hard it hurts as I feel my skin throb and heat up in a frightening way, everything gets worse when I feel my bones start to slowly break as a voice a little distant haunts my mind taking over my thoughts and senses.

"She will be born, the first alpha."

"When the blood moon rises before your eyes on your seventeenth birthday, it will mark the end of the Blackwood legacy and the beginning of my revenge."

"The first alpha female."

" Kasper Blackwood."


"I cursed her clan."

"The first alpha."

- Moon? - I hear Pandora's voice and I open my eyes seeing that I'm back at the party.

- Where is the blood moon? - I ask looking around seeing that everything I thought I saw could have been a hallucination. - Did you drug me? - I ask confused feeling my hands trembling.

- No, I would never do that. - She replies laughing but her expression showed concern. - Even more with you. -she says holding my hands and I feel a strange sensation, as if she's calling me which makes no sense, because she's in front of me just staring at me. - Are you hot, are you feeling well? - He asks touching my face and then touches my forehead with the back of his hand and I think I hear her voice in my head calling me.

- For ! - I exclaim pulling away and she gets confused.

- I was just checking your temperature. - She says getting up when she sees me get up.

- I gotta go. - I say confused moving further away from her still hearing her voice in my head.

- Clear. - He says with a neutral expression that makes me even more confused and on the verge of a breakdown. - See you later, Luna. -She completes taking her bag and then walks away.

I feel stupid for acting this way, after all, what is her fault if I freaked out and hallucinated out of nowhere, I sigh and when I look to the side I see Kai pulling me and hugging me tightly, I feel his body tense and he seems to search for something around him out of place as his arms hug me protectively.

- I smelled a strange odor, like a wolf freaking out. - He says and I lift my head to look and the serious expression on her face shows that he's not kidding.

- Pandora? - I ask and he denies it.

- No, when I passed by her, her scent was normal, there's someone from the pack here or nearby, maybe even from another pack that is passing through the forest, I think we'd better leave. - She answers and I nod looking around looking for the girl, but I don't see her, so I sigh knowing I was stupid with her for nothing.

What the hell is happening to me?

I knew I shouldn't have come.

This crazy party made me freak out.

And I can still hear those whispers and her calling me.

Was there drugs in the punch?

This is the only plausible explanation for this random outbreak.

_________________ To be continued ________________