The Theory.

I want to scream, literally scream and run off somewhere far away, maybe I'm being a little dramatic or freaking out for nothing, after all it's just her first day here at school following me around like a guard dog that has opposite directions. I know she's here to report everything I do to my dad, but why the hell does she have to follow me even when I go to the bathroom, maybe she's trying to piss me off and I don't really doubt she'll go further. to get it.

I want to go back and take Pandora's suggestion.

I should have let her punch Petra for me.

But I would regret it later, after all I'm not like that, if I have a problem I'll solve it myself, no matter how long it takes.

I sigh leaning my head on Kai's shoulder who talks to Calvin about wolves legends, the blonde is excited about a book that Pandora gave him, according to the boy this is the best book he's ever read.

- I'm loving this book and I could kiss Pandora for lending me this masterpiece. - Calvin says smiling excitedly and I hear Kai laugh.

- Would she accept being filled with kisses by the cutest nerd in school? - Kai asks and Calvin looks at me.

- Well, I don't know, but I have some suggestions of who maybe she would accept this. - Answers the blonde winking an eye at me and I open my mouth in disbelief.

- What makes you think that ? I ask and he shrugs and smiles.

- Not at all. - he replies with an expression of someone having fun with something.

Maybe some inner thought he had.

There are several possibilities.

- Speaking of the devil, here she comes very well accompanied. - Kai says, catching our attention making us look in the opposite direction from which we are. - The beautiful, rich and mysterious newbie and the captain of the football team, cat, also rich and super open. - completes my cousin and I make a face.

- They seem to be getting along very well, it doesn't even look like they've known each other for a short time. - says Calvin looking at the two approaching.

James had an arm around Pandora's neck who was holding the strap of her backpack with one hand and her cell phone in the other. Looking at it like this, the two would make a beautiful couple, she is beautiful and so is he, would be the most beautiful couple in school for sure, but I don't think they would match in other aspects necessary to have a relationship and they seem not to have that type of feelings for each other, it seems to be just a good and true friendship that is growing.

- Hello my loves. - James says waving and then sits next to Calvin who looks at him.

- Hello. - says Pandora still standing next to James and Calvin.

- Pandorita, won't you sit down? - Kai asks and she denies it.

- I won't stay long. - he answers looking at me.

- Dude, you look like a walking cosplay from Harry Potter, the difference is that you're blonde. - James says running his hand through Calvin's hair, which smiles.

- Was that a compliment? - asks Calvin and James nods.

- Of course, why would I make fun of you? - James asks confused and Calvin shrugs. - I didn't like that, we'll have to play rock, paper, scissors to solve this situation. - he says seriously and Calvin makes a face.

- What happens if I win? - Calvin asks curiously as I divert my attention from him and James to Pandora who was looking at them with an expression of who is having fun.

- Whatever you want. - James answers seriously.

- What do I really want? - asks Calvin and James nods. - Well then, let's go. - says the blonde smiling.

The two start a round of play under the watchful eye of Pandora who smiles to see James lose to Calvin, James turns to Pandora with a pout and a puppy dog ​​face and the blonde rolls her eyes and then lightly slaps her face. James' forehead laughing.

- They seem pretty close. - Kai whispers and I nod. - I think you will have a big dilemma with these two. - completes and I look at him.

- It doesn't even come with this one. - I say and he smiles wiggling his eyebrows frantically.

- Well, I'll be going, see you tomorrow. - says Pandora and I get confused.

- Like this ? - I question on impulse attracting everyone's attention and I feel like hitting myself. - I mean, we still have class. I say and Pandora looks at me with a curious expression as she arches an eyebrow and finally smiles in a restrained way.

- I've been cleared to run some errands, so you'll have to do without your algebra partner this afternoon. -She says calmly, but I notice something in her expression that makes me embarrassed.


She'll think I'm a clingy friend.


Why can't I keep my mouth shut?

- Anyway, see you later. - Pandora says turning to leave and I feel Kai's curious gaze on me as the blonde walks away.

- Pandorinha, don't forget that you agreed to go to my house later. - James says and the blonde stops walking and turns around.

- Don't worry, I never forget a deal or promise, so I'll be there at the agreed time. - Pandora says and then goes back to walking while James smiles, shaking his head.

- She hates when I call her Pandorinha. - James says laughing as he adjusts his team jacket.

- I don't think she hates it, she just doesn't seem used to that kind of affectionate interaction. says Calvin thoughtfully.

- You're right, she told me that she and her mother traveled a lot and so she never had time for friendships, which is a shame because I can say that she can be a great friend. - James says getting to his feet.

- You seem to be very close. - Kai says and James looks at him.

- Well, she helped me when my car broke down on the road, then she gave me a tip about the team we are going to face next week and now she is helping me with my training, so I guess I can say that she is a great friend and I hope that I'm at least being a nice friend to her. - James says smiling sideways and that makes me smile. - She can be pretty quiet and give off a kind of haunting vibe at times, but believe me when I say she's adorable in her own way. - complete and Kai nudges me.

- I like this different vibe from her, actually I think that's what is bringing us together. says Calvin thoughtfully and we all look at him.

- Like this ? - I ask curiously and the blonde sighs taking off his glasses and then cleans them on his shirt calmly before speaking again.

- Well, she's the mysterious cat, James and the hot athlete and good people, Kai the hot and funny guy, I'm the cute nerd and you the curious, super friendly and desired cat, we are almost the perfect group. - he says amused and I make a face.

- And what does it take to be the perfect group? - asks Kai curiously.

- The crazy girl or guy who will rock this group. - Answers the blonde and James looks at me and Kai.

-I think she might be that old friend of yours, she seemed to be the type that stirs up everything wherever she goes. - James says and I sigh looking at Kai.

- That friend ? - asks Calvin interested.

- Look at her over there. - James says smiling waving to a point behind me and Kai.

- She's hot, am I in a dream where I make friends only with beautiful people? - asks Calvin laughing and James follows him.

-She called me cat? - Petra's voice makes me scratch my temple feeling like I'm going to have to deal with her presence this way more often than I'd like.

- Yes, sit here with us. - James says indicating that she sits next to Calvin and then I see her walk past me and do what he suggested. - Let me introduce you to this cuteness next to you is Calvin and cuteness this is Petra. - Completes and Petra smiles at the blonde kissing his cheek that turns red.

- It's a pleasure to meet you, sweetie. - Petra says and I look sideways at Kai noticing my cousin looking psychopathically at Petra.

- Disguise. - I whisper to Kai who looks at me and I take a deep breath, discreetly encouraging him to do the same.

- Can I take a deep breath and then accidentally make her hit that beautiful face of hers against the table? - He asks in a whisper and I deny smiling and he rolls his eyes.

- So, what are we going to do today? - Petra asks excitedly.

- Go home after the last few classes. - Kai answers facing Petra who looks at James waiting for a suggestion.




- Well, I'll train with Pandora later, but maybe we can all go bowling after training. - suggests James and Petra celebrates excitedly.

- Great, but who is Pandora? - Petra asks curiously.

-She is another member of our squad, she left early, but if everyone agrees you will meet her later. - James replies smiling and I feel like giving him a brick for being so silly.

- I'm in. says Calvin and then looks at me and Kai, James does the same while Petra wiggles her eyebrows frantically while smiling sarcastically.

- We can't come home late. - Kai says and Petra arches an eyebrow with a defiant expression. - You know what, why not, let's do it. - complete and I roll my eyes to see that he fell on Petra's pile.

- Luna, just missing you. - Petra says looking at me and I return the look.

What is her intention with that?

Where does she want to go?

I think she's maybe trying to gather information about what I do or who I hang out with, but it doesn't make sense after all her forging a group outing puts her in the middle of it all, so what she's plotting anyway, I think the only way to discovering and giving wing to the snake.

- I think it will be interesting. - I say and Petra smiles and I return with my best fake smile staring at her.

If she wants to play, then let's play.


As soon as I got home I thought about calling my father and confronting him about Petra, but I gave up soon after realizing that it would be a waste of time, so I temporarily resigned myself to the situation and then went to ask Petrova for help to plant the plant. gardenia seed that Pandora gave me so I could ask some questions about my grandmother's death.

Maybe she will answer me.

At least I hope so.

I knock on the woman's door hoping Petra isn't home right now or I'd turn my back and head home in frustration, so when I see the brown haired lady with a few strands of gray I breathe a sigh of relief.

- My dear, what are you doing here? -she asks giving space for me to enter.

- I came to ask for your help to make a marijuana plantation. - I joke and she makes a face.

- The idea of ​​having wolves hallucinating over weed on a full moon doesn't sound good to me. - she says amused and I smile.

- I'm kidding, I need you to help me with this seed. - I say taking the seed in my pocket and then showing it to her.

- Do you want to plant in a pot or in the castle garden? - he asks and I think for a while.

In the garden it would be exposed for anyone to do what they want and I would hate to see people plucking branches or the flowers, so I think it's best to plant it in a pot and leave it in my room.

- In a vase. - I answer and Petrova smiles.

- Great, let's go to the kitchen, you can taste the chicken pie I made while I take care of the seed. - she says walking to the kitchen and I follow her.

- I'd like to ask you a few questions if you don't mind. I say and she looks over her shoulder at me as we walk into the kitchen.

- Ask what you want dear, I'll be happy to solve your curiosity. - She says and I smile sitting in the chair watching her take the pie and put it on the table, then put a plate with a spoon, a pitcher of juice and a large glass.

- I would like you to tell me a little about my grandmother, Cassandra Blackwood. - I say and she seems surprised with my request.

- Why this sudden interest in knowing about Cassandra? -serious question and I find it strange about her change in behavior, after all she is always happy and excited, I even used to think that nothing shakes this woman, but I think quoting my grandmother made her uncomfortable for some reason.

- She was my grandmother and I didn't know her, I would like to know about her, like what she was like, what she liked to do and how she died. - I answer and she stays silent looking at me.

I hate when people are silent.

This is too uncomfortable.

It would be better to just say "I won't talk about it" than to do this irritating suspenseful silence.

- Cassandra was very similar to you, curious, daring, brave, I think brave even too much. - He says smiling, seeming to remember something. -She was beautiful, had hair with perfect curls and was a little long too, her eyes as green as hers, the chin I think you inherited from her. - he jokes and I smile. - I think you are a copy of her actually, you have your differences that make you unique, but you also have certain similarities that remind me of her. - complete and I nod understanding.

- Is that why you like me so much? I ask curiously and she sighs.

- So too, but what makes me like you is not that you remind me of my best friend, but that you are so similar and yet manage to be so different in certain ways. - She answers calmly and I smile.

- I wish I had known her, I think she would be someone I can count on. I say and she nods.

- She adored you and I know that from wherever she is seeing you now she is proud of the good girl you have become and will be a great woman in the future. - says Petrova smiling.

- How she died ? - I ask and she sighs as she picks up a vase to put the seed under the sink.

-They said it was a car accident, but her father at the time didn't say much about it, which is understandable after all his mother had just died. - he answers and that seems strange to me.

It would have to be an accident with fatal circumstances for her.

Like a broken neck.

- There was no report indicating the cause of death? - I ask and Petrova seems to try to remember something.

- I don't remember, but there was only one medical examiner in this city at that time, I think his name was James White. - She answers thoughtfully while I think there's something wrong.

- Are you sure it's that name? I ask and she nods.

- Yes, I even remember a little of his features, he had green eyes, brown hair, well-groomed beard and looked to be in his early twenties at the time. - he answers and I sigh.


It's himself.

I have two theories about James White.

First, she's talking about the charming jock James we'll meet up with later at the bowling alley.

But to be him, he would have to be a vampire, which would be impossible because my father would never befriend a vampire and Kai would have smelled him.

So that brings me to the second hypothesis... She's talking about James' father, which makes a lot more sense since I once heard James mention that his father works at a hospital in Chicago.

I think this bowling alley won't be too bad, it will save me from having to wait until tomorrow to confirm my theory.

________________ To be continued _______________