Chapter 4

I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I was hoping to eat breakfast with Chase but he must've left before I woke up. Oh well. I get up and look at the time. It was 10:35. Ugh it's still early. I drag myself out of bed and down stairs to make breakfast. It was rare for me to wake up at this time of day. I usually slept in because I would get bored within 4 hours of being awake know it was too risky going out in the daylight hours. I wondered if Chase leaving had woken me. He was and early bird for sure but then again he had a ton of shit to do today like he was telling me yesterday.

I didn't know what I would do today. It all came down to staying indoors and doing something around the house. But for now, I'll be watching Netflix alone and eating oatmeal, eggs, and bacon. How boring. I scrolled through most of the shows knowing Chase would be highly upset if I continued watching them without him. I ended up putting on some random Rom-com movie. Not going to lie the cover looked pretty cool. "The Kissing Booth. Fuck it let's do it. Wait, who the hell am I even talking to?" I groan at the self embarrassment I just caused myself. I would b lying if I said this was the first time this has happened.

After I'm done eating and watching Netflix, I run down to the gym. " Home, sweet home." I walk over to the speaker system and plug in my phone. I'm more on the emo side of music so I put on some Three Days Grace. I then walk over to my punching bag and start throwing punches left and right. I've been stressed and frustrated lately so this was how I got it all out. I also like to pretend that the punching bag is someone's face. In this case the face is Shadow. That cocky ass bastard. He thinks he is better than me. I hate sexist pigs like him. I could've killed him on the spot for thinking he could intimidate me. But then I would be at risk. I let out a murderous growl and threw harder punches at the bag. I had to stop because the chain broke and the bag fell. "FUCK!" I yelled.

I was really pissed at the world for giving me such a fucked up life. Raven you need to calm down. You know what happens when you get angry. Clarity tells me sternly. I was trying to slow my breathing but it wouldn't work. You need to try harder. "I am!" I walked in circles taking more breaths. I felt like a pregnant women on TV when doctors tells them they need stay calm and breath.

Let me elaborate on what's happening to me. When I get too mad or stressed out (a/n: hehe get it...stressed out.. No? Mkay, back to the book.) I lose my mind in a way and a dark part of me takes over. That dark part in my vampire self. Both parts hybrid and dragon are equally as powerful and they can't all be in control at the same time without doing damage to me. It's like having 3 minds because of my hybrid gene. I'm as rare as rare gets for the most part. I guess this is why they want me so bad. But if I lose my mind, Selean comes out and starts going out and bringing people home to drink blood. It's never a great sight seeing half dead people in places they shouldn't be. Most smelled like puke and alcohol which I hated. She does this until the week of the full moon is over That is when Clarity is at her peak and can usually take back control. Grey tries her best to take back some control around the night of the full moon but her connections fade in and out due to wolf's bane Selean gets in her drinks. So yeah that's what's happening. Selean is trying to come out.

There is only one way of stopping her. That way is with a spell. Jade gave me a spell that would weaken the evil in me and put it way down deep somewhere that way it can't surface for a while. It has been 3 years since I last did the spell and I guess it was time to redo it. This was the only way I could be of some use to Grey. She was fighting the hardest. All Clarity could do was reinforce some walls. This was not her specialty but it was buying some time. It's kill time. Selean let out a sinister chuckle. My knees buckled a bit. I let out a frustrated growl.

I run upstairs to my kitchen and look under the sink for the knife with Seleans name carved in the blade. I was feeling lightheaded but I had to stay in control. Grey was whimpering. As much as it was hurting me, it was hurting her worse. Please hurry Raven. "I know Grey. Just hang in there a little longer." I mumble as I stumble into the downstairs bathroom. I look in the mirror to see that my eyes were fading from brown to black. She was close. Too close.

I say the spell and the knife glows purple. "tua et tenebrae erunt, nunquam surgere!" I say as I slit my hand so it bleeds. I drink the sweet blood that leaks out. My blood is pure gold for vampires. Salean was starving to say the least but she hated the way it tasted. She wanted human blood and lots of it. As much as it sickens me to do it, I gulp down the bittersweet liquid. My stomach churned and I wanted nothing more than to throw it up. I remembered that it wasn't me feeling the discomfort but rather Selean not being satisfied enough. All I remember is darkness after.


"tua et tenebrae erunt, nunquam surgere"-your darkness will never rise