Chapter 5

After the merman warrior, Dreyfus escaped from the sea monster. He swims back to the beach where he met the Third Prince Cyreus, but as he got there, he didn't saw the Third Prince.

'Where should I find him?'

The merman warrior continues finding the Third Prince but still, he didn't see him. While he is swimming on the surfing beach to find the Prince, he heard people talking at the seashore so he immediately hides behind the big rock.

"Someone reported that the southern kingdom has a new king"


"No, the brother of King Aquarius, Tyrant"

"It should be Cyreus to be the next King right? Why does his uncle Tyrant is the new King?"

"I don't know, we better ask your father"

'They know Prince Cyreus? Who are they?' Dreyfus got confused about why they know the Prince and the King when they are both humans.

While Dreyfus got occupied with his thoughts, he suddenly heard a splash of water. He turns his head to look where he heard a sudden splash of the water and he saw that the two humans who are talking earlier turn into merman and mermaid!

'They are our kind?! How did they become a human?!'

Dreyfus got shocked by what he saw. He quickly swims to follow them but he didn't saw them anymore. He looks around to look for them but he already lost them. Dreyfus turns around to swim back, but as he turns around, he's not able to move because of terror! There is a noxious sea monster as he turns his back! The sea monster is ready to devour him!

'You're a warrior Dreyfus! Don't let him eat you!' Dreyfus said to his mind.

Dreyfus summon his spear to attack the monster. His quick movement helps him to defeat the sea monster, after he stabs the sea monster he immediately leaves the place and continue finding the Third Prince.

Dreyfus's mind is full of thoughts about what he saw right now. About the two humans, he saw that turn into merman and mermaid.

'Who are those two and how did they become a human?'

"Come on, I think I saw something in there!"

"Huh? Don't mind it, let's surf!"

"I'll better check it"

Dreyfus saw humans surfing, the other one is coming his way! He swims as fast as he could so that the surfer will not catch up with him. But, as he swims farther another sea monster attacks him! Dreyfus didn't saw it coming so he got stab by its fin! He groans in pain but quickly summons his spear. Dreyfus is struggling to fight the sea monster because of the wound on his abdomen but still, he continues battling the sea monster while enduring his pain. The sea monster opens its huge mouth and is ready to devour Dreyfus!

"I'm the general warrior of the southern kingdom! You can't defeat me!"

As he shouted to the sea monster, he dodges the sea monster's jaw and quickly stabs its belly! Dreyfus successfully killed the sea monster!

"I'm not the general warrior for nothing," Dreyfus said and smirk but he suddenly feels the pain from his wound.

'I need to get to the Third Prince to report what I know'

He said to his mind and slowly swim back to the beach. He saw a big rock from the shore and plan to rest there. He checks first if there are humans in the area when he saw no one there, he leans his back to the big rock. But a second after he lands on the shore his tail turns into human legs! Dreyfus looks at his both legs and touches them.

"H-how did it happen?" Dreyfus got confused and tried to soak his legs back in the water and unexpectedly his human legs turn back into fishtails! He pulls his tail out of the water and suddenly, it became human legs again!

'Those two people earlier, is this how they get a pair of human legs? The third prince, I forgot that I saw him with a human leg, I forgot to ask him how did it happen because I'm too glad that he's doing fine. I also saw him together with a human girl. I better find them'

Dreyfus stand up but he fell, it's because he doesn't know how to use the human legs plus the pain from the wound he got earlier from battling the sea monster. He suddenly saw a stick and reach it with his hand. He uses it to support his body to stand up. Dreyfus forces himself to walk even though he feels a lot of pain in his body.


Meanwhile, Miya, the friend of Alexandra drive back to the beach because she accidentally left her phone in the cabin. She parked her car first and get out.

'I hope my phone is still there'

Miya saw that her phone is still in the cabin, she pick it up and put it in her pocket. She was about to get back to her car when she notices that someone is walking unsteadily or with difficulty. She promptly approaches the person and when she saw the body of the person she got panic because blood is covering half of his body!

"Oh my God! Are you okay? Let me get you to the hospital!"

"W-where's P-prince Cyreus?"

"Who? Don't talk yet, you should save your strength until we get to the hospital! Come on! Oh wait,"

Miya removes her jacket and wraps it to the lower part of Dreyfus' body.

"Y-you should cover your, you know, down there ≥﹏≤" Miya said while feeling uncomfortable.

Dreyfus doesn't know what she's talking about but he's just didn't mind it. Miya helps Dreyfus to walk to her car, but suddenly Dreyfus stops moving.

" What is that?!" Dreyfus asks all of a sudden referring to the vehicle.

"Huh? It's a car! Oh my God! You forgot what is this? Did you hit your head and forgot your memory?! We should hurry and get you to the hospital! Get in!"

Even though Dreyfus is still confused about what kind of thing the car is, he just gets inside and sits in the passenger seat. Miya started the engine and drive. When the car is already moving Dreyfus got stunned and frightened because of why this kind of thing is moving! Until they arrived in the hospital Dreyfus is still in shock and didn't get to move until Miya call him.

"Hey, come on, we are already at the hospital"

Miya helps Dreyfus to get out of the car and help him walk inside to the entrance of the hospital. When the nurse saw them, she quickly assists them.

"What happened to him, ma'am?" The nurse asks.

"I don't know exactly, I just saw him barely walk in the shore and covered with blood"

"Okay, stay in the waiting area, we will check him first. We'll call you after we confine him"

Miya nods and walks straight to the waiting place. While waiting, Miya's phone vibrates, she gets it from her pocket and saw Alexandra is calling her.

"Your dad called me, he said you're not answering your phone. Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine, I went back to the beach because I left my phone there. But Alex, I sent someone to the hospital!"

"What? Who?"

"I don't really know him, I just saw him walking while covered in blood! I don't know but, he's kinda weird"

"Do you want me to go in there?"

"Yes please I can't handle this kind of thing"

"Okay then, see you"

"Bye, drive safely!"
