Chapter 11

The next morning Rhoda woke up very early and went to work, she had a lot to do and didn't want to get distracted by anything. Dina wasn't even there when she arrived, she went straight to her office and began working.

Later on Dina came to work and went to Rhoda's office to get some documents, she was really surprised to see Rhoda there since she never went to work earlier than Dina before, Dina knew something was definitely up so she asked Rhoda if she was trying to distract herself from something since there wasn't much to do at the office as Rhoda claimed. Rhoda didn't want to keep anything from Dina so she told her everything that happened with Derrick yesterday,

You really are brave Rhoda, to think you initiated it yourself wow so are you guys together or something, Dina asked,

Of course not we just kissed it wasn't really a big deal, it was a moment of weakness Rhoda said back but she knew it wasn't nothing herself but she would never admit it.

Why are you trying to deny it I know you Rhoda more than the twins even do and I can swear that you feel something for Derrick, yeah you are a girl and it's normal to play hard to get but don't you think you are going too far with this, you are hurting the poor guy for crying out loud, he started chasing you even before the arrival of the twins and I always thought it was because you were probably interested in one of the twins but I see the way you look at Bismark and there is nothing more than friendship in your eyes. You need to get your act together and face ur feelings the more you wait the more people like Derrick and Bismark gets hurt.

Rhoda felt said hearing words she had been trying so hard not to believe, she told Dina that she was scared if she get together with Derrick Bismark was going to get hurt. Dina asked if she was going to date Bismark then but she didn't answer, she loved Bismark but not in the way he wants.

While talking, Derrick barged inside, Dina smiled at him and quickly left them alone.

What are you doing here Rhoda said nervously, but instead of answering he turned to lock the door behind him, why did you do that, open the door quickly I have a meeting. I already checked ur schedule with Dina last night Derrick replied.

Wait what!..... so now you are invading my privacy with the help of my friend wow what a nice betrayal Dina Rhoda said a little loudly knowing Dina was probably at the door trying to listen. Dina heard her name and quickly run off thinking Rhoda was coming on to her.

If you are done lying can I continue what I came here for? Derrick said, Rhoda knew what he was going to talk about so she started of by saying, "whatever happened last night was not meant to happen, we both probably got carried away and I promise it won't repeat itself ever.

It didn't seem to me like a mistake I think we both enjoyed it to be honest Derrick said back. Rhoda tried denying it again but Derrick went closer and held her arm looking her straight into her eyes, look into my eyes and tell me you feel nothing for me Rhoda and I promise to leave you alone, Rhoda refused to talk, she didn't want to lie but neither did she want him to know how she feels, Derrick pleaded for her to tell him and she finally decided to tell him the truth since Derrick was so close to her and will definitely see through her lies. Someone from outside knocked which distracted Rhoda from telling Derrick, Rhoda went to open the door, it was Dina she came to tell them that the twins were on their way up, Rhoda told Derrick to leave , she was scared Bismark would suspect something but Derrick said he was going nowhere, while convincing Derrick the twins entered with smiles, Bismark's smile dropped when he saw Derrick, Dina left again knowing she had no business in this, Bismark asked Derrick what he was doing there, Derrick also asked if he needed permission before visiting Rhoda, it was at this point Bernard knew this wasn't his game so he slowly went out to probably call his girlfriend.

As far as am concerned you guys aren't that close for you to be visiting her Bismark continued, I'm I supposed to answer that cause it feels like a rhetorical question Derrick said back.

STOP IT!! Both of you Rhoda shouted ,I have had enough am not going to stand here and watch you two fight all day I have a lot of things on my mind and what you are doing currently is seriously making it worse , with this Rhoda left the office ignoring their call for her back.

Before Bismark could run after Rhoda Derrick stopped him and asked to mak a deal, which kind of deal Bismark asked, since we both love Rhoda and respect I think we should also respect her decision in the near future, Bismark looked confused so Derrick continued, we should stop fighting each other and give Rhoda some time to sort out her feelings and if even finally does and chooses one of them, the other had to back of respectfully , Bismark confidently agreed and said may the best man wins. Derrick went back to his restaurant to give Rhoda some time to think about her decision.

Bismark met his brother infront of the building after his efforts to find Rhoda went to waste. He told his brother everything that went on, Bernard laughed and said what if Rhoda picks Derrick, Bismark held his brother by the neck, don't you ever by mistake or as a joke say something like that again he growled. Bernard looked at his brother with wide eyes, never had he seen his twin this furious before, he was the wild one not Bismark so he was surprised Bismark reacted this way, Bismark as if realising his mistake quickly let go of his brother and apologised, they both left for the office.