Chapter 13

It broke Rhoda's heart seeing him leave with anger and knowing she caused it, the other guy was so happy Rhoda chose him, he hugged her and also went out saying he was going to prepare for their first date tonight at his house.

What the hell were you thinking, Dina angrily entered the office, how could you do this, why did you choose Bismark, how could you hurt both Derrick and yourself like that Dina questioned, I know you are a grown woman and can make your own decisions but trust me this is the worst decision you've ever made Dina said.

Stop it already you are not making me feel any better I feel worse already Rhoda said.

Oh you should Dina said back. Now explain to me why you broke the poor boys heart.

Yeah I admit I have fallen in love with Derrick but I couldn't see myself dating him and leaving Bismark heartbroken.

So you rather see Derrick heartbroken? Dina asked.

Geez that's not what I meant calm down I mean, I noticed that since Mr Bruno and Mrs Victoria died Bismark had changed, he rarely laughs and is always angry at even the slightest thing, he always seem to be out of the world, I feel like he is actually Depressed, he looks lonely when no one is watching but put on a smile whenever he sees me so I think if I accept him now I could help him open up and maybe be back to normal.

OK so now you are a therapist Dina said after Rhoda finished talking.

No but he is my friend I understand him better, Am just scared if I reject him in this state he might hurt himself or worse Derrick even, I just hope Bismark would open up soon so I could end all this, I feel really bad lying to him this way but I think it's for best right..?Rhoda explained.

It looks like you are trying convince yourself more than me Dina told her, so what are you going to do with Derrick then, the poor guy is probably hurt.

I would explain everything to him later but just not now, if am seen with him while in a relationship with Bismark it might look suspicious so maybe after a while, I just hope he wouldn't give up on us, this might sound selfish of me but I really don't want him to move on I can't really stand the thought of him with another lady. Dina just looked at Rhoda but said nothing again, Rhoda was grateful she had drop the topic.

And by the way am spending the night at your house Rhoda informed Dina.

OK but you are sleeping on the couch, after what you did to Derrick am not letting you sleep in your room.

But it's my room I always sleep there during sleepover Rhoda said back.

But it's my house so my rules Dina said with a shrug. Rhoda just shook her head at Dina's childishness and asked her out of her office so she could work, after Dina left Rhoda couldn't focus, but the talk she had with Dina help her feel a little less bad.

Bismark had gone home to tell his brother and Olive the "good news", they both said they were happy for him if though Bernard's expressionsaid otherwise Olive on the other hand was genuinely happy, he asked Olive to help him prepare Dinner for him and Rhoda for their first date as a couple, Olive gladly agreed. But then she remembered Rhoda was to stay the night at Dina's so she told Bismark, she expected him to call and check with Rhoda whether she would be available but he didn't, he said he would just go pick her up from work and have Dinner the send her to Dina's house after they were done, Bernard tried convincing him to check with Rhoda first since she might be bust with something but Bismark refused, Olive helped him regardless. Olive suggested he take Rhoda to a five star restaurant instead since girls turn to like that a lot but actually it was because she and and Bismark planned to have a date too at the house and Olive would probably sleep over so they didn't want and disturbances, Bismark agreed and booked their reservation at a restaurant Olive suggested. It was still too early, the time was 4pm and their date was scheduled for 7pm, and Rhoda would get of work at 6pm. Bismark decided to go buy few things he needed for the date and kill time too, he was really going all in for this date, he had even bought a new tuxedo even though he had quite a few, he finished everything around 5:30 and decided to go pick up Rhoda, he got to the office around 5: 50 and decided to wait for Rhoda downstairs he didn't even text her or anything, he just waited in his car for her.

Rhoda on the other hand was packing up her stuff with Dina , the both left the office together, they were both exhausted since they had a lot to do today hence going home late, Rhoda's car had already been taken home since she wasn't going today so she planned to drive with Dina but when they got to the car park, the sight of Bismark stunned her, he looked really good in the tux but Rhoda couldn't understand what he was doing there dressed like that leaning on his car with smiles on his face, Dina saw the confusion in Rhoda's face so he got closer to her and said," do not tell me you forgot you had a date" Dina said jokingly only for Rhoda to hear but actually Rhoda did forget, he thought since he didn't contact her after he left it wouldn't come on, she was so exhausted that she felt like cancelling but the smiles on Bismark face pushed the idea out, Dina knew Rhoda would probably came home late so since Rhoda had one of the keys she bid her goodbye and left her with Bismark.