Superhuman Ranks Bioroids and cyborgs - humans who have been genetically (and for cyborgs, cybernetically) enhanced beyond the physical limits of ordinary humans. Abilities vary based on particular modifications, but with training they can reach new superhuman limits. Espers - Bioroids and cyborgs that have the exceeded mental limits of ordinary humans. They have extrasensory perception, better known as ESP, including precognition and limited telepathy. Also may exhibit psychic manipulation of forces such as electricity(electrokinesis) fire and heat energy(pyrokinesis) or seismic energy(geokinesis). Yoshiromi - A temporary state of power for espers that exceed the spiritual limits of ordinary humans. This state requires the additional power of an extradimensional spirit entity that attaches to the esper and adds its power to the corporeal entity during the period of Shintai. This status is temporary due to the strain it puts on both spirit and host to maintain.
The Spirit World