200 BPM

Pierre still hadn’t let go of Amy’s hand, so the high school girl let out a scream. Unfortunately, the loud music from the karaoke was indeed overbearing, drowning out her loud shrieking cry. Even if there had been no music, Amy doubted anyone would come to help them and not just because the room seemed to be pretty soundproof.

‘This is a public karaoke place, right? There has to be a camera in here or something!’ The high schooler desperately looked around, and that’s when she noticed that the camera in the corner of the room had at some point been turned around to face the wall.

‘These guys… I should have known when they brought out the drugs. They must be in cahoots with someone from this place and seem to have planned this from the very beginning. Oh Stacy, what kind of mess did you get us into...’