Centre of Attention

Arriving at School, Gary was happy to see that everyone was okay. He was partially worried that perhaps Innu would have run away after seeing what happened. Sure, they were all somewhat involved in the underworld, but Gary knew exactly what it was like to see a dead body.

It was a memory that not only wouldn’t, but just couldn’t get out of one’s head, although perhaps Gary had it worse because he had gone through worse things. Which was why, although Innu was in the class and had his head down on his desk. Gary wasn’t going to disturb him or give him a hard time.

When Gary came close, Innu did lift his head and took a peak, before placing it back down again.

“How come I feel like shit, while you look like some type of golden boy… am I that tired?” Innu mumbled.

The thing was, it wasn’t only him that noticed. Soon many of those in the room couldn’t stop staring at Gary. Something seemed celery different about him.