The meeting (Part 1)

Tyler gladly accepted Gary's offer to become a driver. The teenager didn’t even have the chance to go into detail before the university student had already accepted. Whether it was because he trusted Gary or really needed a job, the high schooler wasn’t sure.

During the call, Gary had asked Kai about their financial details and if doing something like this was okay. When his upperclassman had asked why he wanted to know, the Werewolf had given him a short version of events. He had heard a sigh, but it was followed by a ‘fine, we can put him on the payroll’.

When Tyler asked about the pay, Gary told him that they would pay him the same amount that he had received at the convenience store. All the university student had to do was to be ready for a call whenever they required him. The car would be kept at the Wolf’s Pool Club anyway, so Tyler would just have to be present in that area during his on duty hours.