Weapon Duel

A little before, Gary had gone into his Full Transformation, the rest of the Howlers were now dealing with another problem. Despite them having the larger force, the Grey Elephant members were losing out, now that Olivia had arrived with her Pincer gang members.

If it was just the Pincers on their own against those Grey Elephant members, then the small-time gang would have lost out. Fortunately, the Howlers had quality members to help out, and then there was Olivia herself. If she was someone to be feared before, there was even more reason now.

On top of that, the Cheetah Squad who were a part of the Underdogs were also dealing with the Grey Elephants. In the end, it was almost as if the Grey Elephants were the ones that were being pressured by two strong forces, and with their leader having run off somewhere, the morale of the group wasn't particularly high.