No longer a knight

After his meal, Gary didn’t feel like he had been the one in control of his own body, yet somehow he had ended up at home. No longer in his gang clothes, not having met up with any of the others after the great attack that had happened, and no longer having the bag of strangers' bedsheets.

There were a few people that Gary would often go to for help in times like these, but not a single one of them seemed available. He couldn't tell the truth to Tom, and Kai hadn’t picked up his phone, leaving him to once again deal with matters himself.

Entering his room, he could see that Amy was safe, in fact the entirety of Chavley he had traversed had shown no signs of damage. Who or how Gary didn't know, nor did he ask questions. It was as if he didn’t even care about that right now. In fact, he didn’t utter a single word as he proceeded into their room.