Lock me Up (Part 2)

Once again, Stark pivoted his foot, changing position and making Sty miss. Sty, while flying up in the air, started to fire out more of the strange green liquid, hoping to hit him somehow, but each one of these were avoided with swift minimal movements.

“Sty has gotten faster than before, but still he can’t do anything against that other guy,” Numba commented from the side.

“It's because he’s also just reacting,” Izzy replied. “That Stark guy has managed to completely minimise his movements, just using his toes to pivot and swivel. Against someone like Sty who starts his attacks from a distance, it's easier for him to see everything coming.”

“Easy?” Numba replied. “Trust me, Sty is able to change direction in a split second, this is why I could never really hit him.”