Protect the factory (Part 1)

Harry's factory was currently well guarded, at least more so than the others, for several reasons. For one, a couple of his Freak group members would always stay with him.

Since he was at this location, it meant that the total number of members of the Freaks in this area were around eight. At the same time, it was the larger factory of the two. In all honesty, if Harry had to save one of the two factories, he would have suggested this one simply based on its size.

However, the problem was both factories were getting hit with the same amount of force from two different gangs. Still, it made him wonder when the blonde-haired Howlers member suggested if he had done so knowing these details beforehand.

'I can't be thinking about the other factory right now. We have to put all our efforts into protecting this one!' Harry had made up his mind and knew he couldn't afford to distract himself right now.

"Give me a report on the enemy numbers!" Harry asked.