A different world

The Howlers were all waiting for Midwak to answer, as they were quite interested in Gary’s past. Why was he a Werewolf, where did they even come from? Although the teenager had confided in them, he too lacked the answers to many questions about his new being. He knew he wasn’t fully human anymore, but neither was he truly an Altered nor a beast.

In the first place, they weren’t even sure if Midwak would answer their questions. He had no reason to help him, so Kai had offered him access something to eat, sure that this was something the Omega Werewolf would desperately crave.

They had chopped up the body of one of those who had died during the initial ambush. They weren’t about to risk him regaining too much Energy, so they used a human, rather than one of the Altereds’ flesh. None of them really wanted to disrespect the dead further, but Kai justified these actions by choosing to believe that it was more important to care about his living friends.