A Fresh Start

Crowley had found himself in a taxi staring out of the window. Life felt a little crazy for him at the moment. He was an adult, one that was 35 years of age and had his career path quite set out.

He enjoyed his job, loved what he did and didn’t mind if he was to do it for the rest of his life. Which was why he found the current situation frustrating and strange. The car was filled with his belongings, all taken from his apartment, and he was leaving the city he had lived in for a long time, in order to head to a new place.

‘Slough, I can’t say it's a town that I have heard much about, but when I did some research it seems they have been in the news relatively frequently.’ Crowley thought. He wasn’t the type to focus on what was happening in the outside world, because he had dedicated everything he did, to his job, and now he had lost that.

‘Honestly, I don’t know much about the Howlers Group either, but it was too good of an offer, that I couldn't refuse.’