Edvard's power

EVENT: 21 reviews so far = 21 Chapters for the mass release. WOO! Let’s keep these reviews coming! All reviews from now till 9th of May will count toward a mass release. Search ‘My Werewolf System’ on A.m.a.z.o.n.

The Altered Hunters were fully engaged, their attention fixed on Edvard as he spoke. The abnormality of the situation was apparent, prompting them to hang on his every word.

"The number of Altered in our world is increasing by the day!" exclaimed Edvard. "Scientists and researchers are discovering new methods to create even more Altered individuals. It's a trend that shows no sign of slowing down."

"By now, I'm certain that you're all aware of the black liquid that's spreading throughout the lower-tier cities. Some of you may have even had the unfortunate experience of encountering this new breed of Crazed Altered that has emerged as a result.