Jayden's anger

Hearing his name being called out, Jayden gave a glance at the White Rose agent and then went back to looking at the grave as he had done before. His hands were slightly wet from having just placed down the flowers in his hands.

Kanu had walked up to the same gravestone and looked at it for a while. He closed his eyes for a few seconds before kneeling and placing his own flowers that he had brought in front of the grave.

After wiping his hands on his uniform, he went into his inner jacket and pulled out a cigarette, and started to light it.

"You're still smoking those?" Jayden said. "You know those are bad for you."

"They're bad for humans." Kanu let out a large puff of smoke, and a smile appeared on his face. "For us Altered, they do next to nothing. Our bodies will repair any damage these things can do. Unlike you, I don't have to keep up a clean image."