The controller

Gary had scooted over a bit, working closer to Elijah and Earny. Although he had great hearing and could usually hear from a great distance, with all the banging from the pickaxes and heavy machinery, it was hard to concentrate on just a single area of noise.

The question he was interested in was just who was behind all of these factories.

“It depends what you're asking.” Earny said, as he continued to hammer away. “If it's who we are working for, or who owns these factories. You see this city was even worse off when it was before. It was essentially one big dump site.

“We were a tier-5, and if you have ever been to those sorts of places, you know what they're like.”

Gary hadn’t but he heard the rumours. They were essentially the country's tips. All sorts of broken cars, materials, anything that wasn’t wanted would go to these cities and that included people.