Saving Everyone

The flaming dart thrown by Stunker did something strange the moment it hit Austin. The fire burned brightly and started to spiral around as if it were being controlled, and when it did, the darts were going deeper into Austin's chest.

Because of this, the darts were almost ripping apart his flesh, and blood was flowing out rather quickly from his body, causing large alarm bells to go off in Vere's head.

"AUSTIN!" she screamed.

She tried to run to his side, but as she did, a hot claw came right at her face. She managed to pull back in time and lift her leg, her foot having transformed into a hoof. It whacked the man right on the chin, sending him back, but he managed to catch himself.

Even with the strong hits and timing that Vere was able to pull off, these Altered were stronger than your average ones, and they should be, since they had come from a tier one city of all places.