Meeting of the old and new

The ex-teacher of the AFA had arrived, and he transformed his hand, which was now completely covered in black feathers. Swinging his arm out, several feathers left his hand, and each one of them hit the pursuers accurately, flinging them back down the staircase and onto the ground.

It was a hard, heavy hit, and as they tumbled to the floor, they couldn't help but roll in pain.

"You two did well; my lessons were meant for cases like this, but I never thought you would be in such a dire situation where there would be gangs of young men after you with weapons," Crowley commented. "I didn't realize the youth of today were so obsessed with, what's the word, chasing ass?"

The two girls thought the comments from their self-defense teacher were a little strange, but they were still busy catching their breath. They wanted to correct him, as it was clear that these men weren't romantic pursuers, but either way, he had saved them.