No Longer A Wolf

Dean couldn’t quite believe what he was staring at. It was a moving rug, but not just any rug—it looked like it was the fur from his very body. Now, the feeling of his skin being ripped off him like the night of his first transformation made complete sense.

As the rug continued to move, strange devices from above the ceiling quickly descended. They started to zap the fur several times with different lasers and all sorts of tools. It reminded Dean a lot of the experiments that he had gone through.

After that, the moving fur seemed to stop, and the machinery lifted it, placing it in a large vat of liquid. It had ceased moving, and now Dean could just see it floating in place.

“You’re alive, you’re breathing, and now that is over there, so I should say that all of this is a great success!” Rickle claimed as he came over from behind.