A Special Power

Gary was carefully observing Bree as she moved. As one of the Kings or Queens—he didn’t really know the correct term; it was just that all leaders were given titles as the Kings.

Either way, he watched her because there was a chance in the future that there might be conflict. Although Gary had no intention or strong ambition to take over or rule the country or countries, the words that Harvor spoke did ring true in his mind.

Because of others' ambition and his desire to protect the people of his town, he might end up clashing against all of the Kings, including the Bree family or the Dark Guild.

Which was why he was sure of it, he could see the Zodiac member ready to fight, even lifting up his leg to deliver a powerful kick.

‘It was in the instant she touched him, his eyes changed, they no longer looked alive… and now of all things, he’s fighting against the other Zodiacs!’ Gary thought.