This Better Be Important

Things were moving relatively quickly, quicker than Tom had imagined, as he stood inside one of the NIRV buildings with a guest badge around his neck.

It wasn’t one of the facilities he had worked at before, but all of NIRV felt quite similar. The whiteness of the flooring, the walls, even the lights displayed a stark white glow.

It almost reminded Tom of a hospital, yet at the same time, a hospital never felt this fancy. The seating areas, the decorations, and even the curved oval reception area.

It was certainly a place with money, which came as no surprise.

What did surprise Tom was that they’d let him come as a guest to a facility where neither he nor his father worked.

In the end, Tom did ask his father for a favor, requesting access to visit as a guest at a certain facility of NIRV, which had locations all over the country.