The Strongest Of The White Rose

The night sky was out covering the whole city. With it being a fairly large city, various places were still lit up with LEDs on the outside of buildings, some displaying various advertisements or just signs of what the type of buildings were in the city to begin with.

But, on the outskirts of the city, in mostly an open field that was at the edge of a forest, there were no sparkling LEDs that were lit up. Instead, there were several large white floodlights located out on the concrete ground.

The floodlights were based in front of a large metallic building which from the outside just looked like a warehouse. There were a few of these large metallic buildings spread around the area, but there was one that was larger than the others, and had a large number of people stationed on the outside, all dressed in purple and white clothing.

At the edge of the forest, a few meters away from the very last trees, there were two people who were taking a peek at the location once in a while.