The black capsule dropped into Harvor’s mouth, and with the last of his strength, he bit down, crushing it between his teeth. The liquid oozed into his mouth and came alive, dancing on top of his tongue and heading straight down into his throat.
As it traveled through the rest of his body, Harvor started to think back to when he had been given the capsule in the first place, before people began arriving at the stadium.
Harvor was escorting Rumper Karn to his hiding spot beneath the stadium. Stanley was by his side, as he always was in most cases. They had reached the room, and Rumper was looking around the place.
“So right now, we are directly underneath the stadium?” Rumper asked.
“Not quite. There’s a floor above this one, but think of it as a fake floor,” Stanley answered. “There’s no way to get to it, and it’s fortified with several layers of steel. Because it is under the stadium, the foundation of the ground itself needed to be incredibly strong.”