It's Now Up To You

The Last Stand skill had saved Gary more times than he could count. It had helped him when fighting Olivia, it had helped him when he went against Midwak, but this time the skill had run out, would this be the end of his life?

"Ignore it, I have to ignore it, I have to keep fighting!" Gary shouted as he jumped up, using his Ember Dash.

With the shadow portal in front of him, he swung his large sword through the portal, breaking it apart. Then, when in the air, Gary followed up with the Volcanic Burst to dive back down to the ground, hitting the floor.

The beams of energy hit each other just behind him as they all went through the shadow portals.

[You have been in the Shadow Ash's form for 30 seconds] [-5HP] [3HP remaining]

Gary had gained some HP thanks to Park's Class skill, but with him being in the shadow form, and his last stand no longer active, he wondered, in thirty seconds, was this the end of him?