Tired Of Fame

"Ahhhh, I can't stand it, I'm going to go crazy wearing this thing!" Gary said as he walked inside his apartment block and ripped off his white face mask, throwing it to the side.

The throw was so forceful that it ended up floating back, and just landing on the ground in front of him, which only went to aggravate him further. Immediately, he went to grab the black wig on top of his head, and then threw it ahead of him, landing on the floor.

"Gary! Pick that up, just because you're frustrated doesn't mean that you can make a mess of the house! I thought you said you were all grown up!" Maya shouted, with both arms by her side.

Before his mother blew a bigger fuse than he did, he quickly rushed and picked up the wig, placing it on the top edge of the couch, and as he sulked, he sat on the sofa, looking at the air.

"What happened this time, did someone recognize your disguise?" Amy asked.