Fight the Iron wall (Part 2)

Ron’s werewolf form, he was a Titan Vanguard. One of the rarest classes that had a powerful defense, and his powers could even be used to enhance the others around him. Due to his own fighting style, though, he hadn’t used his powers to enhance those in the pack that were around him.

When hit badly, though, his body had been quite hurt from Innu. It wasn’t his outside, an open wound or broken bones, nothing like that, but the powerful strikes had hurt his internals.

In order to counter the pain that he felt, he decided to inject himself with his own powers. The energy that would leak out from his own nails was giving him a powerful boost in recovery, defense, and more.

“You think just because you two swap that you have a better chance at beating me?” Ron said, as he went to punch his hands together and then punched his chest. Just like before, the glowing light appeared all over his body.

The armor was starting to reform, and it was back, covering his body from head to toe.