The way the person spoke reminded Gary of someone of royalty. Even now when stood in front of him, they had a straight back and good posture and had weirdly introduced themselves.
“13th family, I don’t even know what that means?” Gary mumbled. “Is it the same as Werewolves or something. Is each number like a werewolf pack? If that is the case, then that means there’s at least thirteen of these!”
Just that thought alone was enough to send Gary into a downward spiral. Just how large were the vampires as an organization. A group that was certainly enough to keep Lupus busy, but then again not strong enough to get rid of them completely.
“Look, I don’t really care who you guys are!” Gary said, swinging his arm out. “But, you’re in my city, and you’re attacking me, if that’s the case, then I will do everything I can to get rid of you all.”
“Everyone!” Haylock shouted. “Stand back, this one is far too strong for any of you to deal with.”