Chapter 4

By the time both of the doctors and nurses arrive they notice that there was a heavy atmosphere inside the room. Noticing that Ethan was already awake since he opens his eyes while everyone was not paying attention, Dr. Akifumi immediately went beside him.

"hey, Ethan you're awake, does it hurt anywhere?" asked Dr. Akifumi which shocked everyone and notice that Ethan is now awake.

"I want to be alone…I want all of them out of my room...I don't want any of them here. They could all go home and be with their other son and daughter, they could just think of me as a dead person from now on" said Ethan who just stares at the ceiling with his blank expression and dead eyes as if he had already given up to any kind of hope.

"Ethan dear, grandma wants to stay close to you" said grandma go feeling the heartache that her grandson doesn't want them near him and to think of him as a dead person. Ethan on the other side didn't say anything and just close his eyes indicating that he doesn't want to talk.

"alright, then we'll let the doctors do their job then," said grandpa go as he asks everyone to leave with him while he pushes his wife to go outside.

"now then, all of them are now outside, is there something you want to tell us?" asked dr. Sato, who is standing beside Dr. Akifumi


"why? Why what?"

"why did you save me? You should have let me die" asked Ethan

"well…one because you are our patient which means you are our responsibility, two because you are too young to die, if you have no purpose of living then find one," said Dr. Sato

"Ethan, what he said was right…"said Dr. Akifumi while he sits at the side of the bed of Ethan.

"heh…am I even allowed to live? I'm an omega"

"of course, how about I tell you a little bit about myself. My name is Dr. Sato Akifumi, and I'm also an omega like you, Dr. Sato over there is my husband, he's my bonded alpha. We have two kids; one is an omega and the other one is an alpha, my oldest son Ken is the alpha, he dotes on his little brother who is an omega, I told him to always treat everyone equal whether it is an alpha, beta or omega cause we are all human beings. He is the same age as you, and I bet he will love to get to know you one day. Anyway back to my life, I hate myself for being an omega cause during my time they see us omegas as someone who just needs to give birth to any alpha guys. That we are the cause of them attacking us, that we seduce them with our pheromones but then there was a man who told me to stand up and fine myself a purpose. I then started to study hard and then got myself a degree of being a surgeon then I met him, my husband. He never sees me as an omega, and he sees me as myself, he told me that my purpose of life is to be someone who could save other people's lives and to be the one who will build a family with him. All of the years that I hated being an omega was gone because of him. If I was not an omega, I wouldn't be able to get bonded with him nor will I be able to give birth to our kids. I am glad to be an omega that is why I know one day, you will also be glad being an omega. I know that we did the right thing of saving you and if it is not your parents who couldn't accept your second gender then let them be. Live your life for the sake of your own purpose let them regret not being able to be part of your life. Stand up straight and walk the path that you know will lead you to happiness. Just don't give up." said Dr. Akifumi as he gave Ethan encouragement to live his life.

"Ethan, not all alphas hate omegas, I could ask my son to visit you here tomorrow so that you could play with him while you're still here at the hospital" Dr. Sato was so glad for having a wonderful wife like Dr. Akifumi that is why he wanted Ethan to be like that too. If bringing Ken here will help him to get better then he would do that. He knows that his son will be glad to have a new friend. Also since both of his parents are doctors of his grandfather's hospital that is near their house he tends to go to his grandfather's office and do his homework there. His parents would just pick him up whenever they are finished while his little brother stays with their grandmother in their house since he is still young and it's not that good for little kids to go to the hospital.

"I have friends who didn't mind my second gender, some of them are alphas too but I just don't understand why my parents treat me like that as if I'm not their own flesh and blood at all. All they see was that I'm an omega that will affect all the alphas around me" asked Ethan who still have a blank expression in his face as he faces Dr. Akifumi, who was shock a bit when he saw how much hurt Ethan was that he would not even shed light to what he said just now.

"Ethan, would it make you happy if they treat you equal? Rather won't you let yourself get to know other people or alpha who will treat you equal." asked Dr. Akifumi

"did you know doctor ever since I was 5 or maybe even younger, I never felt a mother's warm hug nor a praise of my father even though I am doing even better that my siblings. Do you think I wanted that kind of familial love?"

"wh-what?! Wait, are you saying that didn't even once do your parents took care of you, maybe you remember it wrong since you are still young so don't assume that your parents didn't love you. I believe that no parent would not love their own child."

"that is what I also thought, but I could still remember the eyes of my father as he looks at me in the eyes as if I am not needed. Do you what how old am I that time?"

"how old are you? 10?" asked Dr. Sato

"6 years old, all three of us started school early since they all credited us as young genius. I remember it clearly during that time that I was asking my father to pat me too cause I got full marks in our first test but what he gave me was a look of disappointment and resentment. Do you think that is a familial love of a father? My mother the same, I cried since my father didn't even praise me so I went to my mother for comfort but she didn't give me that rather what she just shouted at me to keep quiet and not make any noises from that day onwards. That I should not even show them any of those useless result. Does that also seem like a familial love?" asked Ethan who has tears falling. He too wanted to feel equal love from his very own parents but none of that is happening.

"Ethan, listen to me, would you meet my son tomorrow? I want you to get to know him and be his friend. No one here other than your parents may fill that gap you are feeling but having a friend who will be there for you will help you stand up. So remember what I said a while ago, find your purpose makes it a goal and stand up for yourself. You are still young, so you have a lot of time to find it. Maybe along the way your parents might show you the love that you have been wanting." Said Dr. Akifumi

"hmnn…well, if it was me, I would just not bother with what they think of me, I would just go on with my life and be happy that way I don't have to think any sad things," said Dr. Sato who kind a earn him a smack on his head by his wife

"Taichi! You shouldn't be saying something like that to a kid! The people you are talking about is his own parents!" scolded Dr. Akifumi to his husband

"aw…Aki, you didn't need to smack my head that hard you know, what If you damage my brains," playfully said Dr. Sato which earn a little giggle from Ethan. "hey, kid it's not funny that my head was smack you know, my brains are important in my career, I still need to finish my thesis"

"don't bother about him Ethan, he was just showing off, it's nice to see that you are finally smiling, I like kids who smile a lot you know" Dr. Akifumi ignore his husband and smiled at Ethan who is now smiling wide.

"thank you doctor. Someday, I want to be like you" said Ethan who is now feeling a bit better after talking to both doctors.

"oh! Do you want to be a doctor too? Then all the more reason for you to meet our son, he is also an aspiring doctor, he said that he wanted to be like his mother, a surgeon, too cause he wants to save lives," said Dr. Sato who now recover from pouting cause his wife ignore him a while ago.

"then, can I meet him? I still don't know if I want to be a surgeon but I also want to become like you two."

"of course, ken would be happy to know that there is someone like him who wanted to be a doctor despite being young but since you are still a kid it might change in the future but it's good to know that you see the two of us as your inspiration for your future," said Dr. Akifumi who pat the head of Ethan that made the kid feel the warm of being accepted as an omega.

"now then, since you are in a better mood, we should be going now, we still need to go home and take care of our kids too, I will talk to ken later and ask him to meet you tomorrow, the two of you have the whole week to bond since you still need to stay here for the whole week, you are still under observation so always listen to the nurse when they visit is that ok?" asked Dr. Akifumi

"ok, thank you Dr. Akifumi and Dr. Sato" said the now grateful Ethan. He was glad that was able to meet these two amazing people.

"You're welcome kid, Aki, I will go and talk to his family outside, I think there had been a war going on outside and if I don't stop it now we might receive a complain from the rest of our VIP patients that are also within this floor, dad might scold me later if that happens," said Dr. Sato

"then talk to them in your office, and I will pick ken upstairs and we'll go home. Just go home after talking to them don't be late for dinner ok? Ethan, do you want someone to stay with you here?" asked Dr. Akifumi

"you can just ask uncle Arata to come in, he has been the one taking care of me ever since I'm small" Ethan started to feel a little sleep and tired after saying that to Dr. Akifumi

"alright, I'll ask him to go inside, you should rest now, you're still weak I promise to bring ken here tomorrow so you need to rest now cause you will all your energy dealing with ken he is a little bit kind of a jolly fireball that will make you use up all your energy hehehe" joyfully stated Dr. Akifumi, who knows that his own son has a lot of energy like his father.

"thank you doctor…" after thanking him Ethan drifted off to sleep without caring about the rest of his family who are still waiting for him outside. When Dr. Akifumi notice that Ethan is now sleeping he arranges his quilt and led his husband to go out or the room.