Chapter 111

After the sudden visit of Ethan's assistant, Lucas made sure that his wife is very relaxed in any way. He wanted them to have the best time they could have while they are not doing any work. They only have two more days before they go back home to where their son is patiently waiting.

"Why did you want to give Hideaki's mother a silver membership card?" asked Lucas as he passes the hot chocolate that he asked as Ethan's beverage for breakfast. The couple had just finished their breakfast and the only thing left was their drinks and light dessert.

"Because she would soon become the mother-in-law of Jiro so giving that would benefit me and Jiro someday" answered Ethan while he takes the hot chocolate that he has been craving.

"benefit you in what way?"

"Well, what do you think would be the reaction of Elise when she sees that her mother-in-law happily going around the VIP floor with Jiro while using a silver membership card."

"hmn? Confuse?"