I just walked up to my bed and slept off. Everything will work out itself I guess
The next morning, I woke up to an annoying voice.
" wake up!!" The annoying voice came at me again. I groaned as I opened and my step- daughter's face was right there . Direct to my face.
" What?" I snapped as I closed my eyes again and open them.
i saw her raise from her squatting position and stood casting her shadow on me.
" get up we have to go somewhere." She said and turned to start walking out. Good. I needed more sleep.
" we are leaving at 8 and it's already 7, so hit the shower immediately" she added making groan annoyed.
" Can't I just stay home?" I said in a hoarse voice.
" get up now? We need to go or else I will just ask one of the house help to get up showered and ready to go.
" I can shower by myself thank you very much" I said as I rose up.
" good 7:30 should get you down for breakfast" Tania told me. There was just something about her small sharp voice that was so annoying. Or it was just me wanting more sleep.
" not if you keep talking to me " I said with a fake sweet smile. She returned the fake smile and walked out.
later that day at 'Beauty'
I sat there feeling awkward infront big men.
Tania had left me there in the conference room with the share holder's of Mr Williams' company, Beauty .
There was pin drop silence in the magnificent room and seemingly most of the attention was given to me. I felt like burying herself in the chair I was in. There were so many interesting people there especially the male man on my left.
" Hello gentlemen?" Tania's voice rang through the room and this made me sigh in relief as the awkward attention finally left me. I never liked hearing that annoying voice but right now, I loved it.
" Miss" a few replied to her. She had walked in with another gentle who had a briefcase in his right hand. He looked like a lawyer
" We shall have to postpone the meeting since someone couldn't make it " Tania said with a little annoyance ringing in her voice. Seems this someone was really an essential here.
" Why can't the lawyer just read the document your father left, am sure this 'someone' can get the information second hand" one of the share holder's pointed out.
" Unfortunately the lawyer said my father requested him to specifically read it when his entire family is present including this someone." Tania replied the man and gave him a weak smile. She was obviously not happy.
" So when is the meeting going to take place?" The man to my left asked. He looked alittle odd from rest, he was more....i dono just weird . He was just so pretty.
" Sheila, I don't know. Let's get this someone back first" Tania said with a wry smile and walked out. Sheila! A girl's name for a male.this just added to his being odd.
" Shush" Sheila sneered " you know girl, that lady is a bitch" the man tapped me when he said that. Too friendly. Noted that too.
" I couldn't agree more" I said with a heavy sigh. " I wish I could have a day off just to enjoy myself before I wake up to this" I added. I don't really know but I just felt comfortable talking to this Sheila guy. He seemed approachable and understanding. I really needed someone to talk to since yesterday and Sheila was here offering himself. My wedding, the flight of my husband to Tennessee, this company and not to forget the mean daughter.
Beauty was a company that dealt with women accessories. Cloths, bags make up and even underwear.
I noticed that most of the people in the room started to leave the room place. I wondered where I was supposed to go now.
" Oh dear! I think I don't really get you. " Sheila said and I gave him a confused look. What was there not to understand. " I mean, like, you are the wife to one of the richest men in Manhattan" my looked didn't change .
" I mean, you have alot of money in your claw, money makes happiness"
" Not helping" I told him and sighed heavily. " I just got married yesterday and today is my first day as a married woman. I can't just go around spending the guy's money " he is probably at the verge of his death right now. I didn't say the last part out loud though.
" Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" Sheila apologized
" Liv? come we have to leave" Tania's voice rung in the room. I didn't notice her come in.
" Shush! bitch, you know you don't talk to your mother like that" Sheila fired at her. I didn't see this coming.
" Hai!" I exclaimed as I nudged Sheila.worry written allover my face but Sheila didn't seem moved. I didn't want to get Tania all worked up.
" watch your mouth" Tania barked back at Sheila
" Don't talk to me like that, you have no right at all to do that" Sheila didn't back down. With the looks of things, I knew I couldn't make this man keep quiet. So I decided to just raise up and walk away. But once I got up, Sheila did the same and held my hand. Stopping me from walking away.
" Hai, let go" I requested with a wry smile.
" Just you wait, when I finally get to be the CEO, you will be the first person I fire....And let that bitch go, she has to be taken back home" Tania was confident. Alittle too confident. I was like a property they were arguing about.
" Hold on to your pants lady, because once you fire me. This place is over. And Mrs Williams will stay with me" Sheila assured Tania and he seemed more confident about what he was saying. I guess he was probably the gold star of the company.
" Hey, I need to head home now" I told Sheila calmly with hopes that he would let go of my hand but it didn't seemed to be happening. As much as I wanted to see how Sheila handled Tania , I had to get back home . It was the only place I knew here and Tania was the only who could take me back.
" Don't worry I will drop you back home. Right now you get a proper tour of your husband's company. " Sheila said totally ignoring my small plea to let me go. This was not going well.
" No need, this is probably the last time she will be stepping this place. I even wonder why dad insisted so much on her being present . " Tania scoffed at that and accompanied it with an evil smile across her face. " Now c'mon, we have to go" Tania became serious. She was done joking around
" Come" Sheila said giving me a warm smile and took me through the other door of the conference room completely ignoring Tania's words. As if she didn't say anything. This was exciting. Sheila had ignored Tania's seriousness.
" Look I really don't want to annoy that lady anymore" I pleaded but still walked willingly with Sheila. I knew going with Sheila was a horrible idea but I wanted to see what Tania would do now that Sheila took me away.
" Didn't you say you wanted a day off, before you wake up to this nightmare?" Sheila asked as he kept moving through the corridors of the building. Not many at the company gave us much attention like in the conference room probably because not many knew about my identity as their boss' new wife.
" Ohh! right .but..." I wanted to protest but Sheila cut me off.
" Look,I am not going to be embarrassed after the hot exchange I had with that lady, Tania" Sheila said and halted his steps. He took a heavy sigh asif trying to calm himself. I halted aswell. He turned and looked at me straight in the eyes. His light green eyes shook me alittle. They were so intimidating.
" Girl I don't know your story, but one thing is for sure. you-are-going-to-spend-the-rest-of-your-miserable-life with Tania," he emphasized and he had a good point . "and girl you don't know her, but I do. So take your vacation. You need it" Sheila spoke with alot of determination in his voice and with the way he spoke, he didn't seem like one who takes no for an answer.
Well I asked for it. I cleared said I wanted a day off and here I was being given one on a silver platter. I might aswell enjoy the day before I return to my hell designed for me by my own father.
" Alright, let's go" I agreed. It was just a day off. I mean what could possibly go wrong in one day?