Thirty seven


I reached the beauty building and before I could land anywhere, I vanished in mid air and appeared infront of the warehouse door that was shut. I didn't want to appear infront of Liv and give her a scare of her life. She wasn't ready for the truth yet. I quickly opened the door and shouted.

" Liv?" There was no response. I felt anxious again. I looked around the brightly lit room and the gorgeous gown was the only beautiful sight there. I looked at the table where my Liv was always working and her small bag laid there unconsciously. " Are you hiding somewhere?" I asked but still didn't get a response

I felt something appear behind me as I was walking carefully around the room and I quickly grabbed whatever or whoever it was by the neck. It was Evans. Perfect timing. My senses were highten right now and any slight change in the air wouldn't by pass me.