Chapter 6

Tanning, relaxed and happy: That's exactly how Benja felt on Friday. It had been a perfect few days during which they had reached the tacit agreement not to mention anything that could break that balance.

That's why they hadn't talked about the wedding, or about the premarital agreement that their lawyers were working on; the baby hadn't even been mentioned almost. Somehow, the two knew how important it was to forget any source of potential conflicts. Like a honeymoon, it had been an interlude in which there had been no reference to aspects of everyday life.

On the other hand, it was the closest thing to a honeymoon they were going to have. The Rojas company expected to market a new product in September, which made it doubtful that Benja would be able to have much more time that summer. Of course, given that their situation was not the most normal in the world, it was also not logical that they had a normal honeymoon.

In reality he even regretted having thought of it, because his mere evocation made him imagine real honeymoons, much more lively and exciting.

That was another issue on which there had been no need to discuss. Since the kiss of the airport, they had barely touched them, and the truth was that he didn't understand why he had kissed her even then. The memory of that scene was disturbing to him.

He had arrived at the airport, eager to see him again, unable to believe that he was as exceptional a woman as he remembered.

Then, suddenly, he had seen her, as elegant and radiant as his memory had told her. Cami had been right to accuse him of handing over the flowers to avoid touching himself, even if he had not done so with that intention.

Then he had ended up angering for being so defensive; more than anything, because he too had felt some mistrust and insecurity. Uncomfortable feeling. Very uncomfortable.

So he had thrown at her and embraced her, kissed her and handed over the ring. It was well deserved that the kiss had gone from his hands and in a matter of seconds he had reached a temperature from which his body had not yet recovered.

Touching her again would have been disastrous, so she had done her best to distract her.

They had agreed that his parents, her parents and Marcia would be the first to hear of the wedding. And the time to announce it was fast approaching.

After sailing on the lake, upon arriving home, Cami had climbed up to her bedroom to rest. But I already heard her making noise, indicating she had woken up and was preparing to go down. Benja's mother had called to warn that they expected to arrive at around seven. And they were almost.

Would that sound be the motor of the boat? Benja stood up and began to walk around the room, watering her ear to try to interpret any noise. Upstairs ran the shower water. What About the voices of the dock?

He wondered if they would succeed in getting out of that meeting, without arousing anxiety or suspicion in their parents. The previous Tuesday he had informed them by telephone of Mary's death, and Benja had intuited all the messages not said on the other side of the line. Her parents had never trusted Mary, and so she didn't want them to find out that her ex-wife had to do with Cami's pregnancy, which they could hide for a few months yet.

The sounds were heard more clearly. The door to Cami's private bathroom had opened and she was moving around her bedroom. And, after stopping the motor, Benja's father's voice was unmistakable:

-Luis, do I hold the bag on?

-Let's go, Cami, hurry up -Benja murmured to himself.

He didn't know why well, but he wanted to meet her before the parents, so he could speak alone for a moment. He wanted it so much that he ran down the stairs, climbing them two by two...

-Hi, we've arrived! -The mother of Benja was advanced, who turned contrariado and went to receive them.

Seconds later, Cami saw them together, chatting as she went down the stairs. He linked his gaze to Benja's, higher than his father and than the teenager who was to be Luis, the younger brother.

-Cami comes there," Benja said with a voice roaring by tension. Her mother turned her head to look at her.

-Cami? -Mrs. Rojas repeated, whose protective instinct of mother immediately captured the tension that was in the air-. Who is...?

-Hello, Mrs. Rojas, Dr. Rojas -she greeted them when she met the small group. Hello, Luis, he added.

Cami and Benja looked for themselves and, although they hadn't planned, their movements were perfect: He surrounded her by the waist with an arm and she supported a hand over a Benja shoulder, leaving her sides tightly glued.

-Mum, dad, Luis, this is Cami, the woman I'm going to marry, -she announced at last.

-Get married? -Rojas Rojas repeated, astonished-. Benjamin Rojas Pessi! Could you offer me a chair and a glass of water before letting me know?

-Yes, you're right. He didn't want to say it so abruptly, -Benja smiled. But looking at the faces you had stayed, I found it better to get you out of the intrigue as soon as possible.

-Cami, this pat me unprepared; but can I give you a kiss? - Rosalina asked. And, after doing so, he turned to Benja-. I don't know what to say...

-Don't say anything, honey," Dr. Rojas suggested. Just fit it quietly with the same amazement as me.

Benja's parents were the same as in the photo Cami had seen a week ago. He still remembered it accurately. Rosalina Rojas was older, but seemed even warmer; JC had a sort of perpetual glow in his eyes, as if he didn't stop wondering how he had done to have eight children.

-I don't know what so much history comes to. They are going to marry. That's good, isn't it? -Luis intervened. Nice to meet you, Cami, and congratulations to both of you... It was high time there was a natural blond in the family," she added after Cami shook her hand.

-Louis! -his mother reagreed.

-I don't know what so much history comes to. They are going to marry. That's good, isn't it? -Luis intervened. Nice to meet you, Cami, and congratulations to both of you... It was high time there was a natural blond in the family," she added after Cami shook her hand.

-Louis! -his mother reagreed.

She obeyed, smiling. I knew Benja was looking at her carefully. He was glad that Luis's shabby was defecting the atmosphere. The young boy had an innocentious expression on his face and a skin less smooth than he would have liked, but everything pointed to that he would be another Red bet at the age of twenty-many.

He whistled at Cami's fabulous diamond:

-Judging by this, I would say about two hundred guests, eleven bridesmaids and entry prawns.

-You're wrong, -Benja tertiary-. That is the other thing. Well, one of the other things we want to tell you: We have decided that it will be a modest act... just in a week.

-Does my opinion count for nothing? -Rosalina protested.

-Mami, I'm already thirty-three years old.


-And I have consulted Dad's secretary for her agenda for the coming weeks.

-In the morning or in the afternoon? -asked Juan Carlos Rojas.

-I suppose it will be in the afternoon, -Benja replied. We were waiting to talk to you before we made the final details.

-What an honor! -Rosalina ironized.

-Yes, in the afternoon I will be free, -JC confirmed after consulting an agenda he was carrying in his pocket. I finish at 11 am. Do I book the rest of the day for you?

-It will be the best, -Benja said.

-Well, we're going to eat, -JC proposed. I don't think your mother is in a position to continue talking about weddings on an empty stomach. Has your wonderful assistant prepared you something? -he added, heading to Benja.

-No... -I gave him a few days of vacation, -Benja explained. Although he had not been told directly, Cami knew that Benja had dispensed the assistant to work in order to be alone for as long as possible. So I just put two frozen pizzas in the oven. Is that okay with you?

-As if you were to notice the difference! Benja, do you see these canas? - Rosalina asked, taking her hand to a section of the hair-. I swear they weren't there five minutes ago. Cami, you have to know one thing about this man, if you haven't discovered it already. It has the terrible flaw of releasing any news without preparing you as little as possible. Do you know how you told us that your company had lifted its flight after nine years of economic tightening?

-No -Cami laughed and felt guilty and blissful at the same time in the prospect of learning about the most perverse acts of the man with whom he had agreed to marry.

-He planted with Felipe at home and gave us a check for us to settle the mortgage. A check of sixty thousand dollars, when I was that I could not even stick an eye, thinking if they could pay the electricity of the next month!

-It was logical that you should worry about it -Benja intervened with disenfado-. Just a week earlier, before we signed that first contract with MetroPlus, we could not pay the company's bills. And now to eat. Mum, do you mind setting the table?

-But I haven't undone my suitcase yet. I have not

-You will do it later -he interrupted Benja.

He led the Three Rojas toward the kitchen, but he stayed behind with Cami. -Don't miss them, -Luis rebuked them.

-There is a fire extinguisher on the kitchen wall, in case you think we're going to be missing, -Cami replied in a good mood.

Louis laughed and then went to the kitchen.

Benja waited, holding her firmly between her arms. For her part, Cami wanted not to be feeling so well, when both knew everything was a farce.

-For the moment, it seems that everything goes on wheels, don't you think? -he asked him softly as soon as there were no moors on the coast.

-Great, -said Cami.

-Luis is very bold; but he loves to be answered with bravery, so keep it up.

-I wasn't pretending, Benja. I like Luis. And your parents.

Cami smiled and he leaned down to give him a fleeting kiss in his mouth. She was surprised by separating her lips and, instead of concluding the kiss, Benja tasted her a few more seconds before she departed.

Cami's heart bared. It wasn't just that a little kiss of nothing disturbed her so much.

Thus, unable to keep his gaze, he looked at the kitchen with a anger, where he found Rosalina, who obviously had not wanted to interrupt.

-I wondered if you would like a salad, -the mother said in an apology. Cami had turned red... as if they were really lofely in love.

-Sure -Benja replied, already on the way to the kitchen.

Ten minutes later they were eating, chatting about the family and the plans Benja and Cami had for the wedding. Of the baby, on the other hand, they hadn't said anything yet. Benja preferred to communicate it to his parents alone, as it was too important news to endure possible jokes of Louis.

But before, Cami wanted to call her mother.

-Use the office phone, -Benja told him as Rosalina picked up the table and JC was making coffee.

-Thank you.

Cami thanked him for being able to speak with his mother in private. It was going to be a difficult call. He had felt totally excluded from his mother's life since his wedding with Matt Kady a year and a half ago and, if he was in love with Benja, it would have been the perfect opportunity to break the ice. Because Cami's mother had always fantasized that she would have a wedding on top, with many guests, limousines, a great banquet and, above all, an incredible man. Nothing to do with reality.

Although, however much that wedding was a farce, it might be possible to shorten the distance between the two. The baby would tell him just before the ceremony, while the bride's dress was being tested.

He marked his mother's number, with tears in his eyes, and tried to announce his plans without reflecting his nerves:

-Next Saturday? Woe, fondness...!

-You can't come, -Cami guessed, disappointed. She closed her eyes and said she couldn't throw it in her face, having given her such little notice.

-Honey, you don't understand it. Matt needs me: He has a casting; it's impossible for me, -the mother explained. I'm sorry, really sorry.

« Am I?», asked Cami after hanging up. -Am I, who am selfish to think that my wedding is more important than a casting? So much does Matt depend on her?

Forced to hide his feelings. He didn't want Benja to notice how hurt he felt, and he had to keep composure in the presence of his parents.

On the other hand, perhaps his mother was right: Perhaps he did not understand the situation, as he had heard it so many times since that second marriage.

-Cannot come -communicated in neutral tone-. They are working on a film.

- A movie? -Luis repeated, impressed.- Wow!

-I suppose that producers are very strict with planning, -Rosalina said.

-Exact -Cami replied.

Benja was turned over the chair and she, who in the last few days had not stopped looking at the movements and reactions of her body, noted the concern of her future husband. And he knew what it was: Rosalina wouldn't delay asking if they could postpone the wedding so that Cami's parents could attend, and there was a risk of revealing that the wedding was urgent because the bride was pregnant.

-Come to my office, that I teach you the game that we are going to launch to the market -Benja proposed to Luis, to get rid of his presence-. You'll tell me what you think. I think the graphics in the background can be improved, but Felipe is happy.

So, after getting rid of Louis, while Rosalina served coffee in the kitchen, JC took the initiative:

-Well, what are you hiding us? -he inquired, as if he had agreed with his wife to be the one who asked the question.

Benja did not bother decorating the matter. He sat next to Cami, took his hand and rested it on his own thigh, then covering it with his. Why did you like that feeling so much? It was dangerous. I should remember that Benja was only acting:

-We're going to have a baby, -he announced bluntly. And we're delighted.

-But if it wasn't for the baby, -JC continued, -you wouldn't get married so soon, right?


-Or maybe you won't even get married? Cami noticed the tension that ran through Benja's entire body, which rose up and leaned against the kitchen fireplace.

-I can't answer that, Dad -he answered honestly. The situation is what it is and we are going to do what we think is right, that is all. We're very happy, right, Cami? And we're excited about the baby.

-Yes, -Cami reinforced, taking a hand to the stomach. I never thought I could be so happy.

They continued to chat for a while. Rosalina asked a lot about Cami and her family, until John released a subtle hint and joked that it was better to save saliva and that they would already be reported by a private detective.

-Cami, you should have told me not to put in the noses where they do not call me a quarter of an hour ago - she apologized Rosalina, smiling,

- This is a family affair - Cami put it seriously.

-And I'm glad you think so, -Rosalina corresponded. Your baby deserves to come to the world and be part of a family, be safe... -Oh, fondness... I didn't want to make you cry, -he added, seeing Cami's tears coming out.

-Sorry -He apologized while drying his eyes with a handkerchief. Sorry, I'm dumb. It's that I'm very sensitive and I'm excited to hear such nice things.

-Is Benja not dic you...?

-Yes, of course you tell me. Benja believes in the family and precisely why... -Cami stopped horrified, aware that he had been about to say that for that reason he wanted it so much.

But Rosalina didn't need to finish the sentence.

-I know -he said, pinching his hand affectionately. The family is important. Has Benja told you about our son Thomas?

-Just a little.

-It has a great heart. She met a girl, fell in love with her and left her pregnant. He wanted to marry, but Cherie refused. Then, three months after having Amy, Cherie abandoned the girl and Thomas set out to raise her alone. Just as the mother was going to lose custody of the little girl, she returned and disappeared with Amy. Do you imagine what my Thomas is suffering?

-It has to be horrible.

-And what are we suffering?

-I imagine.

-The bad thing is that, knowing Cherie, we are not even sure that the girl is safe. Sometimes I imagine it alone, tied in a car... -Rosalina was interrupted, too moved to continue-. I bless you for giving us a new grandson. And please work hard to keep your love in your relationship - he added seconds later.

-I will... -Cami looked at Benja, who had been chatting with his father and had not heard that dialog. Sure we will - he sentenced firmly, even knowing that he had no right to promise anything on his behalf.