Chapter 22

Oh hell no!

Why should I sit here?

Has Max lost his mind, or what?

"What's wrong?" Max whispered.

"What's wrong? Are you kidding? You dare ask me what's wrong. What am I gonna do? I barely know anyone. They will find me wei -

"Stop!" he squeezed my hand slightly and smirked at me. Oh how much I want to wipe that smirk off his face.

I glared at him and slapped his hand away, breaking his grasp on me. I crossed my arms over my chest and looked away.

"What the hell? You -

"Hey, stop harassing my little sister", Alex yelled, got up and raised his hand to slap Max on his right arm but he stopped midway as Max sent him a if-you-do-that-you-better-run-away-before-I-kill-you look.

"I was only saying", Alex said softly, looked down and dropped his hand by his side, afraid of facing Max's wrath.

You may be afraid of Max but I am not afraid of that so called bad boy.