Oh, Thy Wicked One

“What is wrong with your face?” My wicked stepsister, Monica groused. She sat by the kitchen table, painting her nails a canary yellow while her phone was squeezed between her shoulder and ear. “No, not you. My lame-ass stepsister just walked in.”

I rolled my eyes, heading for the fridge. “I saw Denise yesterday at the mall wearing the same color on her nails. Is it a trend?”

Just as I had hoped, Monica’s grin faltered and she peered up at me with wide eyes. “No way.”

“Yeah, totally.” I snatched the carton of milk and closed the fridge. “I thought it was the most heinous color known to man, but now that everyone is wearing it, including Denise, it must be cool then I guess.”

Monica cursed under her breath, closing the cap of the nail polish and getting up from the table. “Kate, I have to go. I have a fashion emergency.”

I bit down a smile. “What’s wrong? That color is trending, right?”

“Shut up,” Monica growled. “I can’t be caught dead wearing anything that witch is wearing.”

“I thought you were friends?” I teased, watching as Monica chugged the nail polish into the trash.

“You know damn well I’m not friends with that who—”

“Good morning, girls,” Fenner sang as he filed into the kitchen. “The sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and…” He pressed his palms to the table, leaning toward me. “Someone is in big trouble.”

I heaved a sigh. “So I heard.”

“What did she do now?” Monica quipped. “Let me guess, she got arrested. Again?”

“Damn right she did.” Fenner’s eyes didn’t move from me. “Your mother and I have been talking good last night.”

“Oh yeah?” My brow quirked. “Does talking include making weird animal noises in the middle of the night?”

Monica sputtered a laugh. However, her smile dropped quickly when Fenner shot her a warning look before he turned his attention back to me. “Well, I’m glad we came to a good agreement, then.”

“And what is that?” I unscrewed the cap of the milk carton and took a large swig.

“Daddy, ew!” Monica exclaimed and Fenner cursed. He twisted around, pulling out a marker from the drawer. While I was still holding the carton, he wrote the word tainted on it.

“Ouch, low blow,” I said. “You could have written cow on it. It would have been a tad bit nicer.”

“As I mentioned before, your mother and I have been talking,” he continued, his voice dangerously low. His eye twitched as he spoke and I had to fight hard not to smirk knowing I was getting on his last nerve. “And we decided we’re canceling homeschooling.”

I sputtered milk. “Wait, what?”

“Got your attention now, didn’t I?” The corners of his lips twitch up. “Yes. We decided from next week, you’ll be joining Monica at Devil’s High.”

“You can’t do that,” Monica protested. “I just managed to build a solid social standing at my new school. I made it into Kate and Megan’s crowd, for crying out loud. Do you have any idea how hard that was?”

“I don’t see how that has anything to do with Olive,” he snorted.

“It’s Olivia,” I corrected. “And she’s worried I’m going to embarrass her.”

Fenner muttered something incoherent under his breath. “I don’t care what the problem is either of you have.” He stabbed a finger in my direction. “You’re starting school coming Monday.” Then he pointed at Monica. “And you will just have to deal with it.”

“I hate my life,” Monica cried out, stomping out of the kitchen.

“Yeah, you and me both,” I murmured under my breath. I peered up at Fenner. “So, how is going to school benefit the situation?”

“When you’re in school, you’re less likely inclined to break into people’s houses and you get to make friends.”

“Friends?” I eyed him. “With your daughter vacating the halls of Devil’s High?”

“What are you trying to imply?”

“The wicked witch will make sure no one even glances my way,” I placed down the milk carton and crossed my arms. “In fact, she’ll make sure everyone picks on me.”

“How dare you insulate that my angel of a girl would do such a thing,’ he straightened and I could hold back a snort. “She might be a bit vocal about her opinions, but she wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“You’re delusional if you think that.”

“That’s it,” Fenner’s face reddened. “Eat breakfast. When you’re done, the backyard needs a good raking and you can go clean the geese’s cage. I’m going to take a shower.”

Before I could protest, Fenner stalked out of the kitchen.

“Wonderful,” I sighed. “Just freaking fantastic.” My day was only getting better and better by the second.