James prepared equipment for growing bacterial cultures to prefix with PAD. Not much to do today. They had to wait 24 hours for the Aeromonas colony to grow and be harvested to undergo further tests. James opened his cellphone to check his WA messages and social media accounts while waiting for Philip and Laura to come.
"Hi, James have you been waiting for us long?" said Laura patting James on the shoulder gently.
James turned and looked at Laura longingly. "Nope. Let's just get started," James answered simply. He wanted to quickly finish this afternoon's event and then head back to Laura's place for a bit.
"Prof. Philip, fish with live Aeromonas lesions, please euthanize. Then place them in a row on the table over there. Prof. Laura, please bring the fish samples one by one to my table. I will immediately plant bacterial isolation in the PAD, all must be in a sterile environment to minimize other bacterial contamination. Okay, let's start now."