Graduation Companion

The day that James had been waiting for had arrived, after passing a fairly busy 8th semester. Finally, James was declared to have graduated with a bachelor's degree in veterinary medicine.

His dad said James had better take Laura to his graduation. According to him, Laura is more entitled to accompany James on his happy day. His father will fly to Yogyakarta with Leeray to celebrate James's graduation. In addition, his father wanted to pick up Michael who never returned to Jakarta. It was hard for his second son to leave Brandy, who was still studying in Yogyakarta.

That morning James missed his regular exercise. He immediately showered with Laura in the shower to save time. At 06.30 am, he must be ready at the Ghra Sabha Pramana building, where he will graduate with hundreds of undergraduate students from all majors at Gajah Mada University.