By James's original plan, he requested a DNA test of both of Laura's babies. He didn't want any misunderstandings later on. He didn't mind being the father to the two handsome babies. They are like little angels that look like their blue-eyed mommy.
Today is the second day after Laura gave birth, his wife is still being observed in the treatment room. The two babies, who have yet to be named, were only brought to Laura for feedings, most of their time spent in the nursery with other babies their age.
Papi and his two brothers plan to visit the babies today from Jakarta. They also already know that the two babies have two fathers due to a rare occurrence of superfetation which has an unusual occurrence so that they are different fathers.
That afternoon James was peeling mangoes for Laura. They were alone in the treatment room, Reynold was still in college so it didn't bother them.