Halloween celebrations at Laura and Philip's housing complex were so lively. The front yards of the houses are decorated with Halloween ornaments such as pumpkins with scary faces or witch dolls complete with broomsticks, neon lights, and many other scary ornaments.
Jacob and Joshua are 5 years old, they can argue with mommy and daddy. Running here and there on their little feet inside the very spacious Carson family residence. They also begin to learn to read letters and do simple addition and subtraction calculations. Their mommy and daddy taught the two little boys a lot.
These Halloween costumes Laura ordered them online. Jacob wants to wear the Hulk costume which is green with burly muscles, he says it looks like daddy's stout body. Laura burst out laughing when she heard the reason Jacob chose the Hulk costume. Meanwhile, Joshua chose the Batman costume because he thought it was cool. Be those two little superheroes at this year's Halloween event.