Getting Physical

Our first physical training class was nothing like I expected.

I assumed it would involve tossing each other balls and jogging around the gym. You know, your standard gym class.

Never in a million years did I expect what our physical training teacher said next. “Good morning, students.” The teacher, a short, stout lady with long silver hair and gray eyes, sought out Katie and me among the crowd of students. “As you might already be aware, we have two new students in our mists.” She offered us a quick smile. “I’m Mrs. Krane, for all intents and purposes.”

Both Katie and I nodded in acknowledgment, and she went on. “Today, is your lucky day. We’ll be practicing the most important aspect of being a child of the moon. How to transform and keep the beast under control whilst doing it.”

A few students squealed with excitement, while others groaned out their dismay.

Katie’s hand shot up.

“Yes, uh?” Mrs. Krane turned her attention on Katie.