
“Perfect!” Celeste’s eyes met mine in the mirror. She was standing behind me, working through my hair with a fine-tooth hairbrush. She had straightened my hair and styled it to hang freely down my back.

“It’s shiny,” I replied. “How did you do that?”

“If you stick around at the party, I’ll share with you my hair secret. It’s a family recipe.”

“I’m definitely interested. My hair has never looked this good before. Thank you, I love it.”

She grinned at me. “You’re so welcome.”

I reached for the tube of lipstick and applied it. It was a tone lighter than the shade of my lips and had a glossy sheen to it. Followed by dabbing my lashes with black mascara, then I was done. I stood up, giving one final look in the mirror to make sure everything was perfect.