
Five hours passed, and we were still in Mrs. Humphrey’s office. My friends had come and gone, giving over their accounts.

At that point, I’d cried a few times, while neither Elijah nor Luca had shown a single flicker of emotion since Elijah’s outburst of his sister’s murder.

According to witness accounts, things weren’t looking too good for him.

The door clicked open, and a man stepped in. Mrs. Humphrey slid out behind her desk and kneeled on the floor in front of him. “Alpha, what an honor.”

“On your feet, Selene. It’s no night for formalities.” The man’s familiar butterscotch eyes flicked towards me, but his was cold, unlike the eyes I was used to. “Is this her?”

“Yes, my lord.”

“I see.” He closed the door behind him.

Unsure, I stood up, about to bow like Mrs. Humphrey, when he said, “Sit, girl. The future luna does not bow to others beside her alpha.”

Confused with that statement, I sat.