ACHIEVEMENTS UNLOCKED Asshole Gentleman: you decided not to barge in on Sora and instead waited for her to finish Sweet tooth, sweeter tongue: You and Cookie exchanged digits after back-to-back flirting Breaking the ice: you were the one who started the conversation with Ice Isn't this how the Trojan War started?: You revealed your opinion on the club's most attractive Sky is the limit: you accepted Sora's request for a date...


M3M0R13$ UN10CK3D (fragmented piece found) Your true name: It's either Jacob, Daniel or Jack... I cannot find any sample of a family name, but it is most likely foreign (fragmented piece found) The manner of your death: This fragment is more or less a passing thought you had, you believe either your soul or your consciousness was transferred through technological means rather than a higher power (fragmented piece found) The reason for your memory loss: A revelation to the Eye Of The Father's servant made her snap, and restarted the game... do not worry, I managed to remodel the game's plot under the AI's and it's slave's watch (fragmented piece found) Your favourite comic and your reasoning: The graphic novel series The Salvager was favoured by you as an individual, not because of the MC's (Full memory unlocked) Your past: You are indeed a developer of this game as you originally assumed


Are you... alright?

Something feels off... almost as if part of me didn't even get to see what played out just now

I shall scan what has happened. Five, one, five, four, zero--AH-HA!

What? What is it?

Eye of the father may not have caught me, but he has most certainly caught my actions... Not only has he delayed the full viewing of chapter one, but he has also put behind a thin but irritating barrier in front of it that may require force of kind

Motherfucker put a paywall!

It is alright...I can feel that you have still progressed the way that we hoped for, so we can still progress... but I fear the Eye Of The Father may take more drastic measures if I willingly choose to modify the game again...

I will personally ask you to modify the game from now on... and on that same note, don't change anything without me knowing, so I can prepare the concequnces as well... until then, we'll just let the game be the game...

As you wish...Beginning the next chapter!