Chapter 6

The next morning Benjamin was a little nervous as he reached the office with little Sapphire .

Sapphire was wide awake as they walked into the office. She waved to the fishes in the big aquarium as they walked past it.

"Ishh Benji ,Ishh" Sapphire squealed pointing at the fishes and waving to them

"Uncle, Say uncle" Benjamin said for the umpteenth time to which Sapphire grinned back and again called him Benji.

Benjamin rolled his eyes playfully at the little girl in his arms.

Claire, his personal assistant smiled when they passed her desk in front of his cabin

"Clay bye bye" Sapphire waved at Claire, who she had started referring to as Clay.

Sapphire seems to enjoy calling everyone by their name. The only person whom Benjamin had heard her not calling by name, is her deceased mother.

"You are one naughty girl with no manners huh" Benjamin said in mock anger and brushed his nose with hers

Sapphire giggled loudly when he did that

"More more" she demanded and Benjamin happily obliged.

Two hours later his nervousness increased when Isabella didn't come in with his coffee.

He was about to call Claire and ask her to send Isabella in ,when the door to his room opened and his parents walked in

"Dad Mom! You didn't inform me that you would be back today" Benjamin asked as he stood up from his chair

Sapphire looked up from where she was sitting and drawing concentric circles, on a paper Benjamin had given her a while ago.

She recognised the people as her momma had always shown her their pictures. She shot them a toothy smile and Elizabeth's eyes started tearing up again

"Lizzy, please don't. We talked about this didn't we" William pleaded with his wife

"Ellie no" Sapphire copied earning a chuckle from William

"Listen to your granddaughter Elizabeth" William said as Benjamin picked up Sapphire

"She is your grandmother. Say grandma" Benjamin said ,knowing very well that she wouldn't listen to him

"Eliie" Sapphire said stubbornly

"Manner less girl. Calling everyone by name" Benjamin scolded her playfully and turned to Elizabeth

"Mom. Teach her some manners. She calls everyone by name. Benji, Bell-Bell, Clay, Aandro and now Ellie" Benjamin said shaking his head in disbelief

Sapphire took the pen from his pocket started poking Benjamin with it

"Sapphire No" Benjamin said ,trying to get the pen from her, but she held on tightly.

"Ben. Gabriel called me yesterday. That's why we are here. What were you thinking when you introduced the errand girl as your fiance?" William asked

"Dad. I felt cornered. I didn't think what I was doing" Benjamin confessed

"And what if the girl took advantage of the situation? We are in this situation now because of a gold digger who trapped our girl. I don't want a repeat of that Ben" William said

"Isabella is not like that Dad"

"You know this how? How long have you known her?" William asked

"I have only known her for a week. But I can tell that she is not like that. Meet her once and you will know" Benjamin said

"Then call her Ben. Let's meet her William, before coming to any conclusions" Elizabeth said

"Fine. Call her. Beggars can't be choosers, can they" William said and Benjamin rolled his eyes at his father's dramatics.

Benjamin took the intercom and dialed Claire

"Claire, send Isabella in" Benjamin ordered

Claire came into the cabin

"Goodmorning Mr and Mrs Lockwood" she greeted the elderly couple and turned to Benjamin

"Where is Isabella?" Benjamin asked and Claire frowned

"She resigned. You didn't knew? I thought you were the one who asked her to resign because of your upcoming nuptials" Claire said confused

Benjamjn's eyes widened in surprise

"Okay. You may leave Claire"

As Claire walked out ,William shot a pointed look at Benjamin

"See! I told you. She already resigned and started spreading rumours that your marriage is around the corner" William said

"Dad please. There must be a misunderstanding. Let me call the HR and ask when she came and submitted the resignation" Benjamin said and dialed the HR head through his intercom

"Hello. HR department, Lockwood Industries. How can I help you?" The receptionist at the HR department said through the call.

"This is Benjamin. Transfer the call to Skylar please" Benjamin asked and the call was soon transferred to Skylar Martin ,the HR head of Lockwood Industries

"Hello Benjamin. How can I help you?"

"Skylar ,I want to know about Isabella Carter's resignation. When did she come to submit it?" Benjamin asked

"She didn't come to submit them Benjamin. Alessandro Carter submitted her resignation letter" Skylar said

"And was there a reason mentioned for the sudden resignation?" Benjaminasked


"How did you accept the resignation letter without proper reason or formality Skylar?" Benjamin asked

"Oh I assumed it was because of your upcoming wedding. Congratulations by the way Benjamin. You two would make a beautiful couple" Skylar said cheerfully and Benjamin closed his eyes in disbelief

"You assumed? And is it you who passed on the information around Skylar?" Benjamin asked

Skylar squirmed in her seats.

"Oh sorry Benjamin. I didn't realise it was to be kept under wraps for now. As you introduced her as your fiance in front of all the employees, I assumed it is a common knowledge" Skylar apologized

"Thank you so much Skylar" Benjamin said sarcastically and hung up the call.

"What is happening?" Elizabeth asked and Benjamin explained what really happened.

"Great. Your fake wedding has become office gossip now" William groaned

"Call Alessandro Carter" Elizabeth said and Benjamin did as said

Alessandro walked into the cabin ,with a furious look on his face and injured knuckles

"Alessandro, what happened?" Benjamin asked

Alessandro took in a deep breath

"Nothing Benjamin" he said and then noticed the elder Lockwood couple

"Goodmorning Mr and Mrs Lockwood" Alessandro greeted politely

"Alessandro , HR department informed me that you have submitted Isabella's resignation. What happened?" Benjamin asked and felt like a fool to ask a question with the obvious answer

Alessandro shot him a look of disbelief

"After what happened yesterday, do you really think my parents would let her come here again. We belong to a very Conservative Italian family, Benjamin. Such things are frowned upon in our community" Alessandro said ,trying to keep his tone as polite as he could, respecting the presence of the elder couple

Benjamin's eyes widened in horror

"Are they angry?" Benjamin asked

"Momma is furious. Izzy is now under house arrest" Alessandro said

"House arrest??" Benjamin asked in horror. This is twenty first century for crying out loud

"Momma wouldn't let her even come out into the courtyard of our own home. Let alone office."

"I'm sorry Alessandro ." Benjamin apologized

"Why are they angry?" William asked and Alessandro curbed his urge to roll his eyes.

"Sir ,I'm sure Benjamin must have filled in on what happened here yesterday. And my parents are old fashioned people. They are worried about her now. They didn't want to feed onto more gossips so they thought it is better to stop Isabella from coming to work anymore. But if they know what all talks are going on now in the office ,they would have a panic attack" Alessandro said remembering the gossips as of today in the office.

One bloody moron has the audacity to come and ask him whether his sister slept with the boss for promotion. He also asked whether she is pregnant and is that why they are getting married.

Alessandro had answered him with his fists resulting in the moron having a bleeding nose and he himself having an injured knuckles

Benjamin groaned

"I didn't realise things would go out of hand Alessandro. Trust me" Benjamin said earnestly

"I would appreciate it if you could do something about the office gossips Benjamin. There are things being said about Izzy, that a brother absolutely loathes to listen to. If you didn't take an action on that ,I wouldn't be responsible for anymore casualties here" Alessandro said looking at his bleeding knuckled

"Oh my God! Did you get into a fight Alessandro?" Elizabeth asked

"Ofcourse I did. That bas**rd was asking me if my Izzy was pregnant. What would you expect me to do? If my parents hear this, they would die out of worry and shame" Alessandro said

"Alessandro! I will marry her" Benjamin said and Alessandro felt his blood boiling.

"Is that what you have to say. I'm talking about my sister's reputation and you are worried about the custody case. You know what! I quit" he took off his ID card and threw it onto Benjamin's desk and walked out of the office

"I think we should go and talk to the family directly. If we make an official proposal, maybe they won't be this angry. Italians prefer it that way" William said thoughtfully.

From what he heard so far, the family seems respectable.

Benjamin sighed. His parents agreed.

Now he has to make her family agree.

He looked at Sapphire who had went back to her scribbling a while ago

'Anything for you sweetheart'