Chapter 11

"What next?" Rosetta asked the question that was on everyone's tongue.

"What else? We are taking Izzy home and we will forget this ever happened" Alessandro said with a shrug

"Alessandro . They got married. In a church, in front of Lord Christ and St Raphael. You can't take it lightly. Izzy is Benjamin's wife now. They had taken the sacred vows in a sacred place." Rosetta said

"So what are you saying? We leave Izzy here with him? The most impulsive man in the world" Alessandro asked and Benjamin frowned feeling offended

"You are judging me by my one single action?" Benjamin asked

"You introduced Izzy as your fiance impulsively. You married her today impulsively." Alessandro pointed out

Benjamin took in a deep breath and looked at Isabella 's family

"I know what I did was impulsive. You all have every right to be angry with me. But I promise you, I will keep Isabella happy." Benjamin said earnestly